Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Audio De Lenguajes Extraterrestres

Audio ejemplos proporcionados por la Confederacion Galactica acerca de diferentes lenguajes extraterrestres:

Nota: Aunque estos audios parescan o se escuchen como una broma, y aunque hay que admitir que algunos se escuchan chistosos, son cosa seria y son lenguajes utilziados por algunas razas extraterrestres. 

Audio Lenguaje 1

Audio Lenguaje 2

Audio Conversacion Entre 3 Extraterrestres

Audio Lenguaje 3

Audio Lenguaje 4

Audio Lenguaje 5

Las Leyes Del Cosmos - Cosmic Laws

Se solicitan traductores para traducirlo al espanol.

The hierarchy is order, order of individuals according to the trait of
character for order. In the world of universal Law, this trait is
dependent on the level of consciousness. This is the one and only
criteria. Therefore only a ladder of consciousness levels, together
creating a UNITY (the Unity of all the Consciousness in the Universe.)
Everything is unique and without comparison. Nothing is an imitation of
something, or a copy of something and nobody is a copy of another
human being. Everything has its singular and unique position in the
hierarchy and in the order of the whole. According to ones level of
development one receives a lower or higher place on the ladder of
consciousness. There is no status of equality meant as being equals.
Everyone gains a certain level on the ladder, but no-one is ascribed to
one level. According to how one works, one can attain a higher level,
stop ones development and even come down in the hierarchy if ones
tool/body takes over. Facts and diversity of the positions reflect the
eternal order and justice. It has nothing to do with judging and
division into "good" or "bad". The place one achieves and maintains in
the Hierarchy of Consciousness indicates how great a circle of
conscious work and responsibility that belongs to one. It has nothing
to do with privileges and special rights artificially belonging to the
hierarchy. Even if every individual is on the path of development
alone, this is not only for his own sake. The growing energetic quality
of one, gives strength to individuals on a lower level and thus helping
and guiding them. But they do not walk in their "footsteps", the
direction is common but everyone has to walk on his own feet, get his
own experiences and in this manner discover the common knowledge and
the Laws. In the world of the humans the hierarchical laws have been
distorted and lost. Lost through "thinning out" and being spread over
an abundance of different hierarchies. From this comes the hierarchy
of the community, other different hierarchies as the religious, the
hierarchy of authority - of science, spiritual, moral and political. We
can also find hierarchies of values, needs, of priority etc. Often, but
not always is the hierarchy connected to power. All hierarchies are
travesties, that is an unjust modification of the Law of Hierarchy.
These were made by personalities for their own benefit. From this we
get their inconsistency and multiplicity because of what for one is
important and valuable has no value for another. Human personalities
try to gain dominance so that others will accept his opinions and then
as a rule with the help of different institutions. The Hierarchy of
Consciousness, the only living, creates itself from "inside" and
without any conflict. As a result of personal endeavor and work an
individual may obtain a certain stage of development. One may call it
step on the ladder, but one is never on this step at someone else's
expense. No one takes over an others place or removes ones "possibility
of promotion". Neither are we promoted or chosen by anyone. Natural
advancement gives no personal gains or special rights. It is quite
different in the personal hierarchies. These are created by imaginary
needs, therefore they are creations living their own life, which turn
against their own creator. The structures (be it official,
administrative, scientific or religious) one builds to increase ones
power, develop broad specters of privileges and reprisals. A higher
place in the hierarchy is understood as higher "freedom" which is given
by the different forms of dominance. It is like this in all offices
where on all levels "something" can be fixed, "something" can be
earned, "something" can be given, in the military institutions, in the
church, the higher the position in the hierarchy, the greater the sins
that can be forgiven. In the Living Hierarchy things look different.
The higher the level of consciousness, the greater the understanding of
the Laws, and an automatic reduction in the possibility of using
egotism. In the end when an individual reaches the level of the
Awakened Consciousness, there is no room for egotistical though
processes. The individual gets a different freedom, freedom from doubt
and choice of mental combinations. This is freedom of knowledge (...Let
your will be done - not mine.) Also the contacts and the conditions
between human beings change and are so different from what we know from
the artificial hierarchies. The higher the inner consciousness is in an
individual, the more open he is for others. He stops manipulating
people and using them. He understands that he does not exist for
himself but for the other. He has "in himself" many individuals - in
his specter of emanation, inspiration and care. At the same time as he
does not demand that they should conform and he does not expect
gratitude for help and protection. A conscious individual with a
subordinated personality, takes less and less for himself. "To have, to
own, mine" - does not concern him. He understands better and better
that a greater unity with the universal laws and the change into a tool
guided by the universal consciousness in the human body, makes him into
the ALL. And all does not need anything. The whole does not need
anything from a detail, it already contains the detail in a natural
way. A human being who is a living step in the hierarchy punishes and
rewards himself. The rewards is further development and the punishment
is a lack of development. Here is valid the rule: "of own will, on own
responsibility". If the "own will" is according to inner impulses and
guidance from the Master, in accordance with the correct way of
development for that being, he will rise and gain new understanding and
enlarge his area of responsibility. But if the "own will" becomes an
egoistically way of thinking directed by the personality, be it the
physical body, the soul or the intellect, the personality will take the
responsibility according to the law of action and reaction.

To create is to call to life new values. All creation is a conscious
process and is the production of a living whole. Living,- that will say
the one with the material part and the one with the energy part (+) and
(-), the physical part and the spiritual. Creating living forms can
only be done through action in accordance with the principles of the
universe and the universal laws. In this manner the creation is always
a completing part of a whole. In the beginning of his development, man
never creates, but produces and imitates things that are already in
existence. At the moment where the fruit of ones labor begins to become
a certain wholeness, according to need, man enters a new sphere and
learns to create in cooperation. This
means working with other people, first with independent creation of
small details and later a whole. After having learned the secrets of
creating and its possibilities, man becomes a teacher for the younger
ones in the cosmic hierarchy that follows him. To help a human being to
develop is also to create. As he creates on the level of his
possibility, man learns at the same time. He expands the circle of his
creative knowledge and possibilities by learning from those higher up
on the hierarchical ladder. In this way he creates himself. EVERY NEW
ELEMENTS: THOUGHT, WORD AND ACTION. Thanks to these, energy can
enter into the world of matter and "become a body". Such a perfect
creation is available only for consciousness. Individuals harmonizing
with the unity, who are conscious when the need arises, know how to
activate the chain of reaction leading to the realization of the new
value which fulfills the need. The so called ordinary, concrete human
being often play the part of "living tools". Sometimes even unconscious
of that they are participating in the act of creation. If there for
instance should arise a need to enrich humanity with a new discovery, a
new invention, or a work of art, someone will "by chance" get a dream,
something begins to sort of "sprout" in the head. One begins to think
intensely, one sort of gets a "chance" glimpse. Sometimes, different
people in different locations on the planet, without contact, begin to
work on one and the same thing. A thought born of unity seeks a way to
the human world, often through struggling and heavy bodies. Many
creative people can witness about how hard that struggle can be at
certain times and how painful the psychic reaction is. Often they
experience creation as a painful inner struggle, a pressure that they
would like to release. Works are often born in pain. This happens
between the human being who is ordained to give the idea a form, and
the work itself, when there arises a disturbance in the energystream.
From the point of view of the consciousness the act of creation looks
like this: "To see a need activates the decision to fulfill the demand.
An idea is formed of how to realize the task. The consciousness finds a
suitable tool so that the idea gets a chance to materialize. But first
the subjugation of the tool is necessary, so that it can be used." From
the point of view of the human, which tool (body, psyche) is best
suited to realize the idea? It looks like this: "The human being, for
instance an artist or a scientist begins to feel a vague wordless
nonintellectual tension. The inner irritation. A sort of atmosphere of
waiting turns up. Later, either slowly or quickly it grows in him a
picture of the work. The original idea. THE ORIGINAL IDEA IS
experiences this as a glimpse of intuition, insight or revelation. It
is that. This is energetic fruition "conceived by the spirit". Around
the original idea whole "laboratories" of thoughts and associations are
activated with consequent strong emotions. This "laboratory" belongs to
the human being and is created by his personality. But the original
idea belongs to the unity. It belongs to nobody. But a being with an
inflated personality and ambitions to "be something", gives himself the
honor and looks upon himself as a genius who decorates his head with
laurels. But a human being who is honest with himself and others, who
can see the truth, will say: "I was only the tool, a hand that guided
the pen or the brush and was given the chance to that which is outside
one, facing one, which does not belong to one. It takes form on paper
or on the canvas. For that reason, so many really great people surprise
the world with their nearly childish simplicity and modesty. Their
greatness is that they do not stretch their hands out for something
that is not theirs. The concept that the human being is only a tool and
that the real creator is "God" (CONSCIOUSNESS) is known from all the
religions and mystical systems. Creative and ingenious people are
witnessing this. All religions being works created by personalities and
for personalities forget the original principles and build themselves
out into empty forms. The mystical systems are not popular with the so
called masses, because they are "boring" and ask "too much". The
perpetual talk about working with one self to remain a pure and worthy
tool, weighs too heavily on them. Witness descriptions from creative
individuals remain their private affairs, for they cannot be translated
into an archetype fitted into a collective thinking systems. By and by
as the inner development of an individual goes on, the outer
consciousness begins to understand this relationship. Through ones own
and free will one begins to turn to ones own inside to search for
inspiration and stimulance. One also becomes less and less dependent
on other peoples judgment and expectancies, applause and
dissatisfaction. One finds ones self, ones fate, ones way, ones task.
One begins to build (for the first time to create) a bridge between the
physical and the spiritual. The law of creation (that is to multiply,
not to damage and not to kill) like the other universal laws on the
earth have been taken over by the personality and by this has become
distorted and falsified. The personality has with the help of egotism
given itself the knowledge and honor of that of creating. It has
removed the reforming of matter and energy from a picture of wholeness.
this moment of the machinery of gain begins to work. The result of
this is a divided world full of violence, war, abuse and brutal
exploitation of nature and its resources. Instead of coming closer to
one self and the universe, to consciously partake in the creation of
the world, the humans have channalized all their knowledge on the
road of competition and struggle. This against other people and the
Nature. They have invented and produced (not created) a machine of
destruction. Creation was replaced by destruction. Now, it is quite
surprising how they managed to make it like that? The destruction of
the environment has shown itself to be self-destructing for humans.

Consider so that everyone gets according to their own needs.
temperance is action according to need. If I do something for myself, I
consider my needs. If I do something for an other person, I consider
his need. To feel rightly "The golden Center", one must accurately
consider if this really was a need, for the other person, and not
something we only thought was his need. The law of temperance is the
knowledge of justly to be able to take and give, all according to the
need. Here in accordance with "the golden centers" principle (+), (-),
matter and energy must be balanced correctly with each other. If one
works out a certain amount of energy, for inst. let us say +10, one
must in "the golden center" work out, according to need, the missing
material equal to -10. This knowledge of consideration and temperance
one must work out and experience individually, both for one self and
for others. Here is crystallizes the special role the teachers have to
their pupils. The whole time they have to act consciously or not to
act. They activate action, that is, grading the work and experience for
their pupils. If the consciousness of the younger ones may be bad for
someone, they desist the action. They do not butt in when the
experience that is gathered by the young ones is useful knowledge which
brings with it useful work. This is also in accord with many other
laws. To go the "Golden Middle Road", temperance, as well as taking and
giving according to need, is continuously connected with a work in
"peace". This in a pattern conforming to the laws and in accordance
with the consciousness.

your work and that of others. Movement is not always development. If
the work a man does is not constructive and according to the need, it
brings no development. One only goes around one self and imitates
thoughts, actions and things. A work like that is not creative because
it only shows existing thing. Movement is first creative when it
mirrors a growing sphere, ray and space. Man must develop to be able to
live. One has to go through lightening fast development, or slow
changes. At the same time, one must gain the necessary level of
knowledge which is determined for him . The process must be carried out
in the time which also the need has determined. On the road of
development of the human being, the question: "What have you done with
your talents" constantly pops up. If they were not multiplied, it means
that they were not used according to the needs, which comes from the
development of the whole.

BELOW. Man and the microcosmos are built in the same way as the
universe (macrocosmos). They both live and change according to the same
laws. The same law that is valid for the building of the human being
and all its tools is also valid for the universe and all structures
building it. In the same way that the universe has unlimited
possibilities to manifest itself and transform forms and energy, the
human being also has unlimited potential and ability to manifest his
inner consciousness, which is the unity. THE HUMAN BEING WHO IS

UNIVERSE. Unity is the possibility to accept. It is harmony, unity and
collaboration. It is also reciprocated help and reciprocated
understanding. Unity does not mean equality, but a filling in and a
contrast. It is a harmony between the elements building a wholeness.
For unity we may call both sides of the medallion, a reflected picture,
a mould or a negative of each of the sides. The concept unity is wide
and spreads out in may fields and levels. This law may be understood as
unity in each living form with parts of itself, and with the whole,
which we are parts of. Everything that is, which exists and is created
according to the Idea, is united and in accordance with the whole.
This law makes it your duty to think out from the viewpoint of
understanding. The work does not commence by subjugating one self,
only according to the need. That job is connected with earth, animals
or humans. It may also be connected with all these parts at the same
time. It may be connected with many humans, with plants, cosmos and the
universe. And just unity guarantees a harmonic cooperation between the
smallest and the biggest.

humility and care together make up frames for conditions between the
human beings. The law of tolerance tells that the only correct reaction
to your neighbor is acceptance without judgment, the emotional "0".
Only then is it possible to feel energies from others. One can then let
the energies freely flow through the body, so that one can recognize
common vibrations. It will also give an amplification of these through
giving and taking. Tolerance is to meet the other as he is, without
judgment, and without getting him to make up status quo,
unconditionally. All conditions based on emotional or intellectual
codes, stand for disturbances in the correct open contact, both
physically and energetically. Every locked in opinion shows lack of
tolerance, because it is "mine", and divides the world in mine and not
mine, I like,- I don't like. The concept we are talking about, is not
the same as approval (endorsement). One must not approve another beings
behavior if it is against the laws. He is then driven by personality,
and shuts himself off from new inspirations. A conscious human being
functions in accordance with the law of tolerance. He then approves
the individual law to decide for oneself, so that he does not create
situations which are dangerous for himself and others. He will never
seek to subjugate himself to the other. He is open and unaffected by
emotions. He lets the others get their own experiences, so that they
become aware of the consequences of their actions. In this manner they
can draw conclusions from this. Only a combination of tolerance,
humility and care will save us from superiority and haughtiness. This
is also in regard to over-sweetened goodness, giving one the impulse to
save others with force. Tolerance, that is an understanding for the
difference between human beings and the acceptance of this difference.
The concept of tolerance is often confused with conformity, laziness,
thoughtfulness and subjugation to all that in reality comes from fear.
WAYS OF DEVELOPMENT. Tolerance is not the approval of other peoples
faults, but if we do not cooperate with somebody and his faults do not
affect us, do not judge him, do not make yourself into a judge, because
this is not our task. The lack of tolerance comes through the high
opinion we have of ourselves in regards to others. We think, we have
the right to judge others, compare them, weigh, measure and cut them
open, if we believe they do not fit into our idea. To encompass the
whole with ones attention, that is to release oneself from ones private
zone, gives one the chance to see the usefulness of every human being
and every situation. Then, even those creating malice become a part of
"The Hand of God". If one thus learns tolerance, it will stay with us
for ever.

Humility, the knowledge about encompassing incidents, concerns, humans
and things with your consciousness from all points of view and from any
perspective. To understand humility means to realize that all people
are individuals, with different ways of living and with different work
to do. One also looks at the problems from different points of view. We
must also learn to understand that we cannot understand all the details
of the existing whole. At the moment we concentrate on a small problem,
we limit ourselves and lose the picture of the whole. Also with our
physical body we can only manage to do one job. Therefore we must
jointly work in cooperation. In the beginning with matter, later with
plants, animals and in the end with other human beings. Humility is the
understanding that there is no one better and worse, greater or lesser.
The difference lies in the area of work and responsibility. It is
therefore not important if a being shall do a large job or a small job.
What is important, if one shall do a small job, one does the whole
job. And if it is a great job, to complete it. If a task is very great,
then both people doing it are equally necessary. And equally necessary
is the work that they have to do according to the need for it.. It is
of no significance that the one does 100 times more than the other, but
that they, through cooperation can complete the wholeness of the work.
And each must have humility towards himself, towards the other, towards
the work, towards the plan, and towards the totality. TO BE HUMBLE
WHOLENESS ITSELF. It is as seeing one self in a long row of people,
where there are people both behind one and in front of one. It is
accepting and constantly being conscious of the common connection
between all, and about the harmony that this brings.

us that every developing human being, who develops according to the
laws, is under the care and energetic protection of a higher
consciousness. At the same time showing care and giving protection to
lesser developed brethren. Care means preparing the conditions for a
complete development for all kinds of work and for all kinds of
conditions. Care means also help to gather all the necessary
experiences, as well as help to get on to a road of development rich
in knowledge. In our common earthly meaning we wrongly interpret care
with overprotection. We believe it is to clear the way of life of
hindrances as well as living according to an accepted life pattern, and
giving prescriptions on how one should behave and what one should
believe in. But care and help ought to give permission to a free choice
of the train of experiences. Neither does it mean to push away
hindrances from the way of work. Help also does not mean to get a being
on to a predetermined road. Our earthly mentality, press everyone on to
one road - without considering which work or which task a man has to
accomplish. But our earthly road, our work here and now (as it has
always been through the whole development on earth), is great, with
most goals to get in the universe. It is here one has to learn ones own
road, choice and inflexibility. THEREFORE CARE, THE HIGHEST - MEANS

CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS. Cause, effect and action as well as
its result. Experience and conclusion, it is all the time the same
chain of happenings in a logical order. But even if we find the same
logical consequences of our actions, we still often figure that no one
sees our "unworthy" actions, that we will be spared the consequences,
that an exception will arise. We think quite differently when we act in
a "worthy" manner. We await a compliment and a reward. We dislike the
lack of viewers, flatter and applause. Both cases ought not to be a
reason for impatience. The logic of this law is as it is in the other
laws, absolute. For that which this law is valid, the law is watched
over in a specially clear manner. Sometimes it may seem inconsiderate,
but justice is inconsiderate. This is without exemptions, without
sympathy and excuses. This law also tells that irrespective of what a
human being represents at the moment, it is conditioned by one self.
This is valid also for the spiritual level of development, work,
possessions and possibilities to realize ones plans. What one has
worked out, that one owns. If one is open for impulses from inside in
accordance with the universal laws and realize this in action, one has
advanced. This is the result of an individuals development and
gathered experience through different incarnations. His ego is
constantly enriched by new energetic information. New possibilities of
development and learning begins to open up for him. For this purpose
he receives energetic reinforcement and protection according to the
teaching: "The one who has much will receive even more"....Thanks to
the fact that the individual becomes more self-conscious, the balance
point moves from the involvement with tools in the outer consciousness
, to an understanding that ones real nature is the consciousness of the
unity. Man has also a free will, and can chose another way. He may be
deaf to the advice of the intuition and impulses coming from the inner
consciousness. He fastens on to his tools, that is his body or his
psyche. This without protection and energetic reinforcement. He
sentences himself to use resources only from his own ego. When he runs
out of energy, he loses the chance to develop in his body. This is
according to the teaching: "The one who has little, from him all will
be taken". It is therefore useless to curse God and people for
misalignments and injustice. It is justice that explains misalignments,
and understanding of own responsibility for the downs and the
pleasures. This releases the human from his helplessness and sorrows,
which are considered as unfair or "inexplicable fate". THE

OTHERS SEE YOU AND EXPERIENCE YOU. This is a sort of extension of
the law of cause and effect, in the future. In the way that the
previous law explains our present situation in view of our work and
decisions earlier, the law of the mirror effect points out that
everything we create, say and think, that energy we are emanating into
the cosmos, from where it returns to us. If we emanate low vibrations,
we disturb the existence of others. If we hurt other people, we must
experience the same. If we function in unity with the universal laws
and emanate increasing frequencies in accord with the law of the mirror
reflection, we also receive high energetic reinforcement. Only in this
manner can the ego be taught the responsibility for its tools. Such a
teaching, in the form of energetic tracks, is inscribed on the memory
of the ego.

OTHERS. It says that we shall not mix into a work area belonging to
another person, or group. This is valid when we are not a participant
in the work. Irrespective of what opinion we have of a thing or a
person, we should keep it to ourselves if no one asks for help or an
opinion. Direct action, but also words and even thoughts may be
unlawful influence of something or someone. This law is also valid in
regard to one self. Self-imposed prohibitions as well as prejudice of
situations and people have been accumulated through the upbringing and
the interrelationship between human beings and are based on judgments
and comparisons. We have been imprinted ready-made patterns for the
physical and the spiritual life. From birth, and even before that, we
unlawfully influence ourselves and others and let others direct us. To
stand up against all unlawful influences on each others, does not mean
that one should reject all that the civilization has gained. Here we
must in a conscious manner make our choice of thought and action. This
to be able to register any and all attempts to unlawfully influence us
while it happens.


The principle is the same as a American construction use. The American
construction took the healing energy from a neutronstar in another galaxy.
This construction takes the healing energy from the Sirius-system. The
construction is therefore build different compared to the American
construction. This construction uses a computer. This computer can be a
commodore 64 or another computer capable of generating square wave signals.
The computer generates specific patterns of single frequencies sent sequential
with specific time durations. This will have a positive effect on the chakra
system.The computer calculates the frequency pattern according to the disease.
The 5 Volt signal from the computer runs trough a simple amplifier connected
to a transformer. This transformer transforms the signal up to 4000 Volt
PEP.This signal goes to a highenergy receiver who can receive energies on
higher energyplains. The housing of this receiver is a open pyramid with a
aluminium frame. The bottom of the pyramid is closed. The bottom plate consist
of copper. In this copper plate it's cut a pattern that harmonize with the
energies from the Sirius-system. This cause the receiver to be tuned into the
energies from Sirius. Right above this plate inside the pyramid it's mounted a
blue LED who are modulated with the signal from the computer. This clear blue
LED sends the blue energies into a clear mountain crystal of super quality.
This crystal is mounted vertically inside the pyramid, just over the LED.
Around the bottom part of this crystal there are a coil with 4 or 5 turns.
This coil is made of copper wire who are 1mm in diameter. Higher up on the
crystal there are a infrared LED mounted. This LED are placed 90 degrees
according to the crystal,and the energy from this LED are sent horizontally,
pointed at the centre of the crystal. The purpose of this LED is to eliminate
negative energies from the patient. The IR LED can either be on continuously
or be modulated from the computer. When the blue LED is on ,the crystal is
synchronised with energies from the Sirius-system. The sirian energies are
transformed in such a way that they are mixed with the frequencies in the
coil. This cause the signal from the computer to be influenced by energyplain
2 and 3 frequencies. A wire from this coil goes to a treatment probe the
patient shall hold in his hand. Inside the treatment probe the wire goes via a
quartz burner before it reach the main circuit inside the probe. This main
circuit consist of a geometrical system of GEM stones inside a quartz tube.
The gemstones are surrounded by sea water. In the middle inside this quartz
tube there are a mountain crystal who are surrounded by a Tesla coil. The
Tesla coil is made of very thin copper wire. At the end of this coil there
are a lid who have a spiral coil on one of it's sides. In the middle of the
spiral coil there are mounted a special crystal who harmonizes with the sirian
energies. Inside the quartz tube the GEM stones are glued to the outside of
the Tesla coil surrounding the crystal. This GEM stones are placed after a
specific pattern. The Tesla coil and the spiral coil are daisy chained. This
coil system have a impedance of 8 Ohm. The coilsystem are connected to a
adioamplifier who deliver 10 Watt. This amplifier gets the signal from the
computer. At general treatments the signal to this coil system is turned off.
By specific treatments the probe tip are aimed at the problem area,and the
signal to the coilsystem must be on. The quartz burner treat the signal in
such a way that it activates the GEM stones at a higher engonic level.
Several over harmonics are also generated. The light from the quartz burner
amplifies the higher engonic fields in the probe. At audiodiagnostic of the
aura,the signal must bypass the quartz burner and the blue led in the receiver
unit must be off. This disables the engonic field who could disturb the
diagnostic process. In treatment mode the blue LED in the receiver and the
quartz burner must be on in order to process the sirian energies for
treatment purposes.


It's possible to clean air and water for industrial pollution by using a ITM
process. The process can be to transmute the garbage,or to send the garbage to
a position on the prubunsic dimensionscale where the Earth don't have any
natureplains. One can also set up chemical reactionpattern who don't produce
any garbage. The method described here uses a combination of the transmuting
in combination with the chemical reaction method. The central component in the
system is a 10 meter high crystal cylinder at 1,5 meter in diameter. Around
this cylinder is there 7 coils each with one 1 turn. Each coil is driven from
a magnetic injection amplifier. Total are there 7 of this amplifiers. The
amplifiers are feeded with sinus signals who are frequency and amplitude
related to each other after a specific formula. The frequency picture lays in
the area between 0Hz - 10 GHz. The frequency picture is generated in a
specific PLL array connected to a computer. A special detector is connected to
the computer. The detector receive frequencies from a glass bottle who
contains a sample of clean air and water. This frequency becomes detectable by
sending pure orgon power trough the glass cylinder. The detector and the glass
cylinder is covered with a shield of superconducting material. The signals
received by the detector, are processed by the computer as a standard for the
frequency picture the system generates. This frequencypicture will transmute
the polutionelement to clean air and water according to the sample in the
glass cylinder. The crystal must be located in one of the Earth etherical
chakras. From the ground will kundalini be injected into the crystal at it's
bottom. This kundalini is raised inside the crystal cylinder. From the top
cosmic kundalini is streaming into the crystal,and from it's sides prana will
enter. This 3 forces are mixed inside the crystal. The result will be strong
D forces (constructing and positive forces) D=F1+F2+F3. When a correct
frequency picture are magnetically injected into the crystal,it will emit
harmonizing energyplain 2 waves who transmute and bind chemical pollution
elements in the nature. The industrial garbage will therefore be transmuted
into substances who have a positive effect on the nature. The system will only
work when it's exposed to direct sunlight. The crystal structure and the
elements the crystal is made of must be precisely adapted for this purpose.
The crystal cylinder will be semitransparent with a bluegreen colour. The
range of the device will be between 1000 and 10000 Km,dependent of the force
of the Earth chakra and the quality of the crystal. If a person stand close
to the crystal when the device is running,the person will be healed for
certain diseases. If the person is standing in the powerfield for a longer
time the aging process in him will be reversed,and he will be younger and
younger. At the same time will he be physical bigger and bigger. This effect
will occur if you are closer than 1 Km to the crystal when the system are
running.The nature will grow bigger than usual within a sone who differs
between 1 and 50 Km from the crystal dependent of the efficiency of the


As mention before is the naturelaws on energyplain 1 the result of natural
reactions on energyplain 2. ITM is that one by use of special methods
interacts with those natural reactions on energyplain 2 to change the
naturelaws on energyplain 1 in specific areas. The nuclear bomb is sensitive
in the moment of chainreaction because it's dependent of a certain neutron
mechanic. The numbers of neutron must grow within certain rules while the bomb
are in overcritical phase. The bomb are put to overcritical state by use of
conventionally explosive. This explosives are used to press the bomb metal
together enough to get it overcritic. This means that the bomb can only be in
overcritical state within a few milliseconds. In this timeperiod the bomb
must run trough the whole neutron carrousel causing the most of the Uranium or
Plutonium cores to be splitted. When a Uranium 235 core is hit by a
neutron,the 235 core is splitted in two parts and 3 neutrons are emitted.These
neutron shall split 3 new 235 cores and so on. The sum of the mass is
different before and after the splitting.
The missing mass is converted to gamma radiation using the Einstein formulary
E=M*C. It's this energy who makes the force who are used in the bomb. To
prevent the bomb from exploding one can make a little time delay between the
moment the core is splitted and the emission of the 3 neutron. The sum of
this delay could be so grate that the chainreaction couldn't run while the
bomb is at it's overcritical state. The weakness with this method is that it
don't stop the chainreaction in the bomb totally. One could get a reduction in
the bombenergy in the aria between 10% and 90% dependent of the bombs distance
to the ITM transmitter during explosion. The strength of the forcefield from
the ITM transmitter is also and important factor. A different method is that
the nuclear cores do only emits 2 or 1 neutron during splitting. The other
particles then could be protons or something else. This would prevent the bomb
to reach overcritical mass. The nuclear energy would then not be emitted. The
best would be preventing the cores to emit neutrons at all. One also could get
the cores to emit antineutrons instead of neutrons in the first stage. This
would stop the reaction because this neutrons would be annihilated without
creating new neutrons in a chain reaction. When the bomb is at overcritical
state it's only a few start neutrons who sets up the chain reaction. This
means that the amount of high energy force don't have to be greate to stop the
bomb. One effective method is to amplify the nuclear forces in such a way that
the initial neutrons don't have enough energy to split the Uranium/Plutonium
cores. This last method is the easiest to establish. In practice the equipment
has a form as a transmitter who are placed on the ground. This transmitter
emits a isotropically powerfield who prevents the nuclear reactions inside it.
The bombprotector transmits it's powerfield in a similar way as a
omnidirectional television transmitter. The transmitter emits a globe formed
lobe who protects a city example. The principle of the bombprotector is that
orgone power is modulated in a specific gasfilled tube. The frequency picture
to that tube depend of the method to prevent the nuclear reactions. The orgon
is injected by a energyplain 2 waveguide. The modulator is placed in the
middle of the structure. Under the energyplain 2 injector is there a parabolic
antenna of clean iron. Over the modulator tube is there a energyplain 2
collector for cosmic generated energyplain 2 waves. It's the swingproduct
between the cosmic energyplain 2 waves and the local orgon force ,one
modulates. The energyplain 2 waves will travel up and down the structure
similar to the photons in a laser rod. At the end of the structures is there 2
parabolic antennas of 100 iron directed towards each other. This creates the
"laser" effects on energyplain 2. In the upper parabolic reflector is it
drilled a small hole. Trough this hole a part of the energyplain 2 waves
escapes and are led to the transmitting antenna. The antenna is a hollow tube
of Iron who are drilled with holes after a specific pattern. Over the tube are
there 2 strong magnetic rings. The magnetic field in this rings are one pole
on the upper side and the other pole on the under side. When the equipment is
placed on the north hemisphere the bottom magnet shall have it's north pole
down pointing at the ground. The upper magnet shall have it's south pole down.
This will cause the 2 south poles to be pointed against each other. When the
equipment is placed on the south hemisphere the arrangement is opposite. The
equipment will not work exactly at equator. The energyplain 2 modulator and
the energyplain 2 waveguide are inside a housing of superconductive material.
This is to protect the energyplain 2 fields from outside disturbance. Is also
important for the energyplain 2 concentration in the modulator aria. The
modulator is made of quartz glass. It has 2000 electrodes,and 1000 amplifiers.
Each amplifiers power shall be between 100 Watt and 1000 Watt. The
amplification shall be linear from DC to 1 GHz. Each channel voltage to the
tube shall be max 1000000 Volt PEP. An offset voltage shall be programmable to
each channel. The amplifier gets it's signals from a PLL driven
multifrequency generator. Each of the channels can be set with a individual
amplitude and offset. The system generates 1000 individual and independent
frequencies. Each generator must be able to change frequency in a timeperiod
of 10 nano seconds. The generator unit are connected to the central computer
by 3 databusses each 64 bit's wide. One databuss is assigned for the
generators frequency. The second databuss are assigned for the control of the
generator output amplitude. The third databuss is used to control the DC
offset of the channel. The speed on the databusses must at least be
10000000000 bauds. The program inside the central computer,decides the working
principle of the bomb protector. Only with software adjustments is it possible
to eliminate the radioactivity from fallout. In more advanced models it will
be possible to transmute the fissile materials in the bomb to not fissile
materials permanently. The bomb will then not explode. The waves emitted
from the bombprotector antenna resides on energyplain 2. This waves travels
with the lightspeed multiplied with itself. The waves will therefore not be
easy to screen for the bomb constructors. By use of ITM bombprotectors will
all atomic powerplants stop inside the lobe. If one use transmuting
bombprotectors,the nuclear powerplants within the lobe will be permanent
damaged. Its possible to adjust the program in such a way that the
chainreaction in the bombs are stopped but not the chainreactions in the
powerplants. This is done by use the neutron timedely method as described
earlier. This method can make it easier for the bombconstructor to circumvent
the field. This method is therefore not recommended. The total neutron
blocking systems are the best. On must then assure that the bomb protector not
get's it's power from the local nuclear powerplant. The best is that the
bombprotector are equiped with a ITM based power generator. The bombprotector
can be used to eliminate radioactive radiation from disasters in nuclear
powerplants. The covering aria of the bomb protector varies from 100 Km to
several million Km. It's therefore possible to make 1 bombprotector that can
protect more than the Earth at the same time. A bombprotector with the size
of a broadcasting tower for TV can protect an entire continent.


The inner layer of the cable is made of plastic tube. Outside this tube is
there metalrings with a fixed space between them. Each second ring is
connected to the power supply unit as described in the drawing. Outside the
metal rings is there a second plastic tube. The space between the plastic
tubes are filled with a insulating stuff. Outside the second plastic tube are
there a layer of clean wool. Outside this layer are there a third plastictube
who are the cable housing. The first plastic tube (the centre of the cable)
should be approximate 3 Cm in diameter. The total diameter of the cable can be
10 Cm in diameter. The voltage between the metal rings are 50000 Volt
stabilized DC. This is done to make a electric field inside the cable who can
held the energyplain 2 power inside the cable. The cable must be connected in
such a way that the positive metal rings are closest to the energyplain 2
source. The metal the rings are made of can be Copper or Aluminium. One can
experiment to get the most suitable metal. In the centre of the cable one can
try with wool, A gas,Air or Vacuum. Clean wool can be the most favourable
material since wool conducts high energyplain based forces. It maybe increase
the conductivity if it's made like a knited stocking on the inside of the
centre plastic tube. It's possible to connect the metalrings to a resistor
network in order to increase the electric fieldstrength between the metal
rings progressively. This is done if the cable shall be used in teleporter
circuits. This cause a attractive force
to be made inside the cable. This force is used to drag the object who are at
a transmitting state trough the cable to the teleporter antenna. This because
the a clean electrical field can be used to make forces on the etherical
level. The distance between the metalrings inside the cable should be less
than 3 Cm,but not smaller than 1 Cm. The insulating stuff between the rings
can be transformer oil.

Teleportation Transmitter

A teleporter is a device which can transfer a solid object from position A
to B wirelessly at the speed of light or faster. Three different principles
(methods) can be used to create such a device.

Using the first method, all the object's atoms are scanned by 2 energyplane 2
(EP2) rays which cross each other at the scanning point. The atoms which
are present at the scanning point modulate the sum and difference of the
frequencies in the 2 crossing beams. The beams consist of a type of EP2
energy that can penetrate all energyplane 1 matter. The modulated swingproduct
is digitalized and scanned by a photon computer. This computer calculates the
numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in the matter scanned. The computer
generates a binary code containing this information. This code is sent to the
receiving destination. At the receiving destination the physical object is
rebouilt of plasma using the binary code as it's reference. This method means
that a solid object is copied exactly at the destination. This method needs a
lot of frequency spectrum and it requires a lot of time to send even a small
physical object if the spectrum used is limited to the electromagnetic
spectrum. One must have access to waves on energyplane 3 to make this method
useful. We therefore do not use this method.

Method 2 is more useful. It uses a totally different principle. Here the
entire object is transformed and transferred to energyplane 2 in one quick
operation. In this state without graviton binding the object is transmittable
as a whole. The object disappears from the transmitting site, so this method
does not employ copying. The object is moved along the energy
dimension by an oscillating magnetic field which influence the quarks in such a
way that the object lose it's graviton binding. The object is therefore moved
to energyplane 2. It is now possible to transmit the object through space by an
electromagnetic pulse. You can send the object to another nature plane or you
can move it to another geographical coordinate in our natureplane.

Method 3 is as follows: you create a 4-dimensional channel trough space and
send the object along this channel. (A wormhole in space itself). Using this
method you don't need to do anything with the object. To use this method you
need an unatomic force field. Orgon can perhaps can be used to create the
wormhole. With this method is it possible to send object to other times as
well as other positions in space.

Method 1 requires a receiving device. Method 2 doesn't require a receiving
device because the object automatically rematerializes at a certain distance
from the antenna, depending on the strength of the transmission impulse. This
method does however need precise pointing accuracy in the transmitting antenna
so that the object will rematerialize at the chosen receiving spot, for
example with 3mm positional accuracy. It is possible to build a receiving
device using method 2 that works in phase lock with the transmitter by leading
the object along a wave travelling between the transmitter and receiver. The
object dematerializes in a chamber at the receiving spot. With method 3 it's
possible to see the receiving location through the channel before the object
is sent. One can therefore search for the best receiving location by looking
and using the controls at the same time. When the best spot is found the
object is sent trough the hyperspace channel.

Method 2
In the drawing you can see a block diagram of a teleporter based on method 2.
The transmitting chamber is shown. Over and under this chamber the main
magnets are located. These magnets consist of a material that makes them
very fast. The magnets are formed as discs around the bottom and top section
of the chamber, which is cylindrically shaped. In a ring around the middle
section of the chamber are located various control and modulating magnets.

The waveguide from the chamber to the antenna is made of insulating material
with metallic discs inside. These discs are connected to a box. This box
generates a high-voltage force field between each disc in the cable. The
highest positive potential is nearest to the antenna. In the antenna there
are a circle of radials. Each of these radials can be shalted in by a special
selection system which allow transmitting the object in the right direction.
When the object is sent, a capacitor discharges between the center radial and
the chosen radial. This occurs when the object is located in the center of
the antenna waiting to be sent. The distance the object is sent depends on
the amount of energy in the capacitor before discharge. This discharge sets
the distance between the antenna and the rematerialization point.

Under the bottom of the transmission chamber is a parabolic antenna. This
antenna is used for NMR scanning of the object. A computer uses the NMR scan
to calculate the correct transformation field for the object. When the
coordinates for the dematrialization spot are given to the transmission
computer, the object is transformed. A weak laser beam emitted from the top
of the chamber will go through the object and strike a photocell at the
chamber's bottom, once the object is transformed. When this occurs the
transmission computer is activated. The object is held inside the chamber
by a magnetic field generated around the chamber. Then the main magnets
attract the object to the waveguide. The object enters the waveguide and
is sent to the antenna. The object is then emitted from the antenna. The
object's movement stops immediately when its subatoms begin to attract
gravitons. This stopping has no effect on the object because mechanical
natural laws only are valid on energyplane 1. This means that the object
must have rematerialized before these laws can take effect.


A lowintensity ITM generator is a device who are used to investigate the
effect of different frequency pictures at naturelaws and matter inside a weak
to moderate orgon field. The orgon field is modulated by magnetic injection.
The inner part of the generator is a box made of metal. Inside this box the
injection coils are mounted 90 degree out from the metal wall. The coils are
winded around orgonactive materials. In a typical generator there are between
20 and 50 coils. This coils are arranged geometrically to each other after a
empiric structure. In the middle of this box are the scientific instruments
placed. These instruments are used to measure the ITM effect on naturelaws and
matter. On the outside of this box it's welded several profiles. On this
profiles are mounted several power transistors or power operational
amplifiers. This units are used for currentamplification to the coils inside
the box. Outside the profiles are there water tubes. This is the cooling
system. This entire structure are placed inside the orgon insulating material
(glaswool). Outside this is a wood construction.Outside the wood construction
is there a new layer with insulating material. Outside this is a new box of
metal. Outside the second metal box is there a new insulating layer. Outside
this is there finally a box made of wood. The insulating material also
insulate heat. Without the cooling system the inner temperature would be high
enough to destroy the power transistors. At the centre of the construction is
there a probe who measures the total frequency picture inside the inner metal
box. This sensor is used to control the power and effect to each coil. One
will know immediately if one of the injection coils fail. The sensor is also
used as a receiver for storing the frequency parameters for creating of
frequency pictures who had positive results. It's therefore easy to recreate
this frequency pictures in later experiments. This probe is also used to
register new frequencies inside this box who are created by interaction
between the other frequencies. The third task of this sensor is to investigate
the effects on magnetic fields in energy making experiments based on ITM. On
the transistor profiles are there mounted temperature sensors who keep an eye
on the efficiency of the cooling system. The cooling is done by a stream of
cold water trough the water tubes. The generator needs approximate 2000 Watt
electrical power at the maximum setting.


Computer crystals.
At first we will be looking at the 1-plain crystals. A 1-plain crystal is a
crystal with the active structure on our energyplain. The example is the
production of the photoncomputer crystal. The crystal is constructed by a
team in a similar way as to the construction of microprocessors. 1 member in
the team works with the memory circuit. Another member in the team works with
the artihmetic unit. Another member work with the interface and IO units and
so on. At first each member of the group work with the separate parts of the
construction individually. For help each member of the group have his own
advanced computer. When the first stage in the construction process are
finished,the group get together. In this stage of the construction the work
done by the different members alone are adjusted for the total function of the
construction. When the group are finished with this process the total
construction data are feeded to a big computer. This computer calculates a 3D
image of the crystal. Now it's possible to choose between 2 production
methods. The first method is wavebased and the second method are beam based.

The wave method.
In the wave method the 3D image of the crystal are calculated to a frequency
picture. This frequency picture are sent from the computer as several
thousand single frequencies amplified by several thousand amplifiers. This
channels are connected to several thousand antennas inside a chamber. The
antennas are standing inside the chamber horizontal 90 degree out of the
chamber walls. Inside this chamber there are no gravity. Inside the chamber
the etherical form of the crystal are created by the frequency picture from
the computer. This form is created by the electromagnetic field generated by
the many small antennas. When this frequency picture are active, a ionized
gas (plasma) are lead into the chamber. This plasma are influenced by the
electromagnetic frequency picture in such a way that the structure of this
field are copied by the plasma. The temperature of the plasma can be 1000000
degree Celsius hot. Now the whole thing are cooled after a specific scheme.
By a special temperature the gas inside the chamber begin to turn to solid
matter in form of a crystal grid. Because the plasma structure was locked by
the electromagnetic field, the structure of the appearing crystal are similar
to the structure of the electromagnetic field inside the chamber. After the
whole thing are cooled down to room temperature the photoncomputer crystal is
finished. The basic micro-coding instructions are burned into the crystal
structure as parts of it are a optical ROM. The computer are activated by
sending white light into the central fiberoptical cable. This light must be a
broad spectrum of light covering all light frequencies. This light are used as
the energysource of the computer and frequency reference. The communication
with the computer are done trough other fibreoptical cables. 1 cable is 1
port. Trough the port, red light represent bit 1 yellow light bit 2 and so on.
This means that a specific mixed colour represent a dataword at parallel form.
Logical "1" is when a colour is on and "0" when the colour is off. The
communication goes on trough many fibreoptical cables with a speed of several
gigabaud trough each port. The computer can of cause do several things at the
same time. A typical photoncomputer has a shape like a crystal ball with a
diameter of approximate 20 centimetres. One of this computers has greater
computing power than the sum of all computers on Earth today.

The second wave method.
In this method a liquid are used instead of the plasma. The chamber are not
without gravity but has low gravity.Inside the chamber are a ring of antennas
at a specific position. The liquid are pumped into the chamber from it's
bottom. When the liquid reaches the field in the ring,the liquid crystalizes
immediately after the wavepattern inside the antenna ring. The computer know
the level inside the chamber and send different wavepatterns as the crystal
rises inside the chamber. This method builds the crystal gradually. The
technical needs are simpler by this method but the construction computer must
work harder.

The beam method.
This method use also a liquid. The method can be done at normal gravity. The
liquid are pumped into the chamber from the bottom. A tunable laser beam are
directed at the chamber. This laserbeam can change colour and amplitude. The
beam scans the liquid in circular movements from the outer part of the liquid
toward the centre. The characteristics of the crystal structure are decided by
the colour of the beam. How far down in the liquid the crystalisation shall
take place are decided by the beam amplitude. By this way the crystal
structure are burned into the material by the laser beam.

2-plains crystals.
When the crystal shall have 2 separate structures on 2 energyplains, the
crystal is produced by use of the beam method and the wave method at the same
time. The beam method are used to create the structure on energyplain 1 and
the wavemethod are used to produce the structure on energyplain 2. The
computers for each method are of cause coordinated and communicates with each
other. This opens for the possibility to make energystrings between the 2
structures. If the structure of the crystal shall have more than 2 plains the
process are different. On a multienergyplain crystalstructure one must use
creatures living on higher natureplains in the construction process. A human
team make the structure at energyplain 1 and 2. A team of astral creatures
make the structure on energyplain 3. A team of creatures living at the mental
plain makes the structure on energyplain 4 and so on.In praxis this work are
done by creatures living on different planets where their "physical" plains
are at different engonic levels. This means that a "physical" creature on
another planet will appear at the Earth astral level and so on. The different
engonic construction teams can not see each other so the communication must be
by telepathy. The construction of this crystals afford a great deal of
multidimensional and interplanetary cooperation.


This is a pump for liquids who work without any mechanical parts and have a
high efficiency. The pump consist of a vertical iron construction. At the
bottom is the inlet tube. Higher up on the pump is the outlet tube. Over this
tube are there a barrier of non electrical conducting material,who let through
modulated energy of energyplain 2. Over this barrier are the coils for
magnetic injection. Those coils are placed in a ring structure. Over this ring
is the modulator tube placed. This tube are filled with thin A gas. The
modulator tube is supplied with a frequencypicture who has a amplitude at
100000 Volt on the internal electrodes in the tube. The magnetic injection
coils are supplied with another frequencypicture who has and amplitude at 1000
Ampere. The combination of the magnetic and electric injection types make the
liquid get a negative gravity. The liquid is therefore pressed upwards inside
the iron construction. The frequency picture cause the liquid mass to increase
with a factor of 100 to 1000 times in negative direction. This means that
this pump has a dramatic higher capacity than a mechanical pump. The
energyplain 2 source can be the described power tower. The use of this type of
pump needs not so much electrical power as a mechanical pump. This means that
the capacity of the electrical powerstation can be lower than for a comparable
mechanical pump. If the power tower is used it gets its energy from ITM.


This are components with the same significance to the spacepeople as a
integrated circuit is to the present Earth society. This crystal are also made
by the nature and acts as a important part of the cosmic structure. These
crystals are also made artificially by the spacpeople for special purposes.
When the crystal is made artificially it acts as a component where the
function is a result of a intern cooperation between several internal
structures on many energyplains at the same time. On one energyplain the
complexity of the structure can be comparable to the structure inside a
integrated circuit (photon computer technology). On energyplain 2 the
structure can be as a very complex 4 dimensional integrated circuit. In
specific areas inside the crystal,the wavepattern of energyplain 1 and
energyplain 2 are harmonized in the same point. This is done in purpose to
achieve certain functions. This enable communication between the structure on
energyplain 1 and energyplain 2. It's possible to create power generating
ITM structures inside the crystal. This cause the crystal to get the power it
needs independent of external power sources. If you make a photon computer,the
photons used to drive the structure on energyplain 1 are coming from a place
within the crystal. If a crystal have a structure that expands more than 2
energyplains, the geometric places inside the crystal for interdimensional
communication are termination points for so called energystrings. A
energystring is a line along the energydimension who are placed within the
total crystal structure as seen from the hyperspace. This strings acts as
conductors in the crystal used to link together the complex structure existing
on each energyplain to a common structure. On string can have it's termination
point on the energyplain 3 conducting the signals to energyplain 5.Another
string can begin at energyplain 1 and conduct the signals to energyplain 3 and
so on. It happens that energystrings are connected in the same point in a
intermediate energyplain. This connection points then tie together 2
independent energystring structures to a more complex structure. The structure
of the energystring network inside the crystal acts as the crystals energy
transforming components. This components are multidimensional. The geometrical
relationship between 2 points in space between 2 independent energystrings is
the passive energytransformation components of the crystal. This exchanges
certain wavestructures with different strengths and composition.It acts as a
filter between the active energytransforming structures in the crystal. One
can say that the crystal consists of complex "physical" structures on each
energyplain that do complex functions independently of each other. The
energystring system ties this "physical" structures together. The chakra
system in the human body has a similar function. The chakra system ties
together the different bodies who are present on different energyplains. On
energyplain 1 the structure inside the crystal has 3 physical dimensions,on
energyplain 2 it has 4 physical dimension and on energyplain 3 it has 5
physical dimensions and so on. At the same time there are complicated
energystring networks and interdimensional filtercomponents. This are
components as well who do advanced functions within the total structure. This
crystals can do so advanced functions that the mind of the Earth human have
problem to see all the things they can be used fore. Even the spacepeople
themselves do research on the use of this crystals. By use of a
multistructural energycrystal with 4 structures in 4 energyplains and indirect
structure in the 3 energyplain above,it's possible to create physical things
directly out of space by a persons thoughtpictures. This crystal must have
been driven by the universal love power from energyplain 7. This power then
must reach the structure on energyplain 4 where the first "component"
structure is located. Another example: You take a multistructural energy
crystal with you in a suitcase. Then you enter a ordinary aircraft. You can
communicate with this crystal by telepathy. After take of you instruct the
crystal to create a ITM field that surrounds the entire aircraft. Then you
instructs this ITM field to lock the atmosphere inside this field and to
transmute this to oxygen in a running process. Then you instruct the crystal
to modulate the ITM field that surrounds the aircraft to oscillate in phase
with the vibration pattern from the Sirius system. Then you instruct the
crystal to make a artificial gravity field inside the aircraft. At first the
pilot aboard the aircraft would not sense anything,the transmutation of jet
exhaust to oxygen would run fast. This caused the jet engines to work normal
within the forcefield. Then the instrument that indicated speed in the
aircraft would drop fast. The propulsion was now not the jet engines. This
engines now only pump air around inside the forcefield. The aircraft would now
raise it's nose and accelerate dramatically without been noticed by the
aeroplane height meter. The persons aboard the aeroplane could not feel this
acceleration because the propulsion field worked on all the atoms in the
aircraft at the same time. The pilots would at this time not understand
anything. They would have called the ground by radio. The steering would not
function for the pilots at this time. After a few seconds the sky would have
turned dark blue and the black. The stars is now visible from the aircraft.
The pilots would then seen the Earth horizon curve more and more under the
plane. At last they would see the entire globe as a ball under the aeroplane.
They now would understand that they where in space. They probably would have
turned off all jet engines at this point. This would have caused the
electrical power in the aeroplane to cut. The crystal then is instructed to
generate a alternating magnetic field who puts up the electrical power and the
heat system. The aeroplane would now aime it's nose at Sirius. The crystal
then is instructed to make compensation vibration. The plane then accelerate
to near the lightspeed multiplied with it self. One could see the stars moving
according to the plane in a bluish colour tone. After approximate 40 minutes
flight time. The star Sirius appears at the same size as our sun outside the
aircraft. The Sirius then become bigger than the size of the sun,and it begin
to be hot inside the aircraft. Then a new planet appear under the aeroplane
growing bigger and bigger until the aeroplane gets into it's atmosphere. Then
the plane land at the planet ground vertically without the jet engine running.
The communication between the person and the crystal is 2 way. The person
register this information as pictures inside his head informing him about the
flight status during the flight to Sirius. This was a example on what one can
do if one gets the hands on a multistructural energycrystal made by the
spacepeople. It's no problem to convert a normal aircraft to a interstellar
craft without modification by use of such a crystal. A multistructural
energycrystal who are connected with energies on energyplain 7 directly or
indirectly is a living creature and must be treated with respect. The housing
of some UFOs are made of multistructural energycrystal materials. This cause
the housing to contain all the propulsion systems and other technical systems.
One will not find any machinery inside such a spacecraft. The more advanced
versions of these spacecrafts are self thinking and communicating by
telepathy. One will therefore not find any instruments either. All the
technical information as diagrams and so on are sent to the pilot
telepathically. The energystrings inside the crystal can be arrange so that
they are only conducting from a lower energyplain to a higher or only from a
higher energyplain to a lower. They can also be made bidirectional. The
direction of the stream trough the energystring usually is controlled from the
energyplain above the strings highest engonic terminating point. If one do not
have any directioncontrol structure,the string are bidirectional.


This is a device witch enables time travelling. The central part of the
device consists of 2 frame antennas who are arranged 90 degree in
relationship to each other. Each frame are approximately 2 meters in diameter.
The antennas can consist of a tube which are 10 Cm in diameter. The tube must
be superconductive. Inside the tubes floats liquid helium for the
superconductivity. The control device of the machine consists of a sinus
generator with a tuning capacity from 1 Hz to 1000 MHz. The signal form this
generator is amplified a little before it goes to a phase changer. This change
the phase of the signal 90 degree. The phase changer is independent of the
frequency in. The phase change is 90 degrees for both 1 Hz and 1000 MHz input.
The insignal is splitted just before the phase changer so that on part is
unchanged and another part is changed 90 degrees. After the phase changer are
the signal amplified with 2 linear amplifiers to 100000 Watt on each channel.
After that are the two channels feeded to it's respective frame antenna. The
signal on one frame antenna will always be 90 degree in phase difference to
the other frame antenna.

USE: The generator is set to 1 Hz,and the machine is turned on. A compass
needle at the centre of the machine will travel slowly round. Inside and round
the antenna system it becomes a powerful rotating magnetic field. At a higher
generator frequency,the magnetic field will rotate faster. Approximate 2 meter
from the antennas are placed several chairs arranged in a circle around the
antenna system. Her are the timetravellers placed. One increase now the
generator frequency gradually until the speed of the rotating magnetic field
is close to the speed of light. If now the right conditions are present
(etherical/astral),the time will run slower for those who are sitting on the
chairs compared to persons outside the powerfield. Seen from the chairs the
time will run normal between each chair. The timetravellers clock will run
normal. They will see the clock on the wall outside the powerfield running
fast into the future. The nearer the rotating speed of the magnetic field
comes to the light speed,the faster will the timetravellers move into the
future. If the speed of the magnetic field are set equal to light speed,the
time will freeze seen from outside the magnetic field. Seen from the
timetravellers view they are mowing endless fast into the future. ( they will
not be able to sense the world outside the magnetic field and the time will
stop for them). If one increase the frequency further,the rotating speed of
the magnetic field will become greater than the speed of light. The time
sensed from the chairs would then be reversed,and they will see the clock on
the wall outside the magnetic field moving backward. The timetraveller will
now travel back in time. At the speed of light the time travellers goes both
endlessly fast into the future and the past at the same time. The result is
that the time freezes at that speed. At a higher frequency they will travel
slower into the past. When the speed of the magnetic field approaches the
lightspeed from oboe,the timetravellers will travel faster into the past. At
the speed of light for the magnetic field rotation,the time is freezed for the
people inside the powerfield and they can't register anything. For a outside
person who looks inside the powerfield it looks like looking at a freezed
hologram. If one from outside the magnetic field try to touch the field at
this state,it seems harder than steal. The outside person will at this state
not be able to penetrate the powerfield who acts as a endlessly strong armour
at that state. If one put a clock inside the powerfield an outside person
will observe following: At 1 Hz the clock will run normal. When the frequency
arrive the lowest part of the VHF band (oboe 30 MHz) the clock seems to be
going slower. At the top of the VHF band (approximate 300 MHz) the clock will
stop completely. In the lower part of the UHF band (from 400 MHz) the clock
begin to go slowly backwards. At 1000 MHz the clock will go approximately at
normal speed backwards. It's possible that the machine must have a injection
of modulated orgon energy to function.


As mentioned in the main theory there are 7 different types of microides. Each
with a different density according to each other. Each microide group are
modulated by it's own initialization wave creating 7 parallel energyplain 7.
In this way 7 parallel universes are builded inside the area in the
superuniverse that defines the space occupied by this universe. The 7 parallel
universes are separated by the density of the microides. This density
difference are called the prubunsic dimension coordinate (dimensioncoordinate
6). Ordinary Earth science sees the universe with the dimension
height,length,depth and time. In the spacepeople science one has the
dimensions height,length,depth,time,energyplain difference,prubunsic density
and hyperuniverse string distance. This is a total of 7 dimensions. If one
move along the dimension 5 one will experience the following. Solid things as
stones and mountains would be shimmering. As one goes higher along this
dimension the solid things would be self-illuminated and transparent. The
light would be solid as water and you can touch and work with it directly as
you can with water. The person would begin to sense electric and magnetic
fields as enlightened patterns and the gravity appears as light with a special
colour. Solid matters as stones and mountains becomes difficult to see and the
person can walk right trough it. New solid things will appears for the person
and the solid matter as stones and mountains disappears as clouds against a
clear sky. The person now experience alien creatures and a different
environment. The person is now on the etherical natureplain above the humpnap.
For an outside observer it seems as the travelling person gets foggy. Then he
begin to self-illuminate. Then he become more and more transparent until he
disappears totally. He can not be registered by radar or other normal
equipment. It's possible to detect him with a witching stick or metallic
search pins. It's possible to communicate with him by telepathy. It's also
possible to communicate to him through a AM modulated walkie talkie. The
etheric person can work with the radiowaves directly. The person would feel
the amplitude variations in the radiowaves directly as they are modulated with
speech. The person will therefore "hear" what has been said trough that walkie
talkie. To answer, the person must get his etherical body to oscillate at the
same frequency. This is difficult so it's possible that he could not talk back
trough the walkie talkie. By use of a broad receiver it would be simpler to
get a answer back from him. By use of AM transmission and SSB reception it
would be easier to get a answer from him as he cold manipulate the amplitude
of the beat oscillator in the SSB receiver without getting his etherical body
to oscillate at a certain frequency.The person could now walk directly trough
a normal wall as it was made of air. A strong static magnetic field would be
as a wall for him that he couldn't walk trough. The same with strong static
electrical fields. If the person continues to move up along the energy
dimension he would experience that the electric and magnetic field becomes
more transparent. He would then go right through strong fields of this sort.
The environment would disappear and a new on would appear. The person would at
last reach the astral plain. It isn't possible anymore to reach the person by
radio. The body of the person will at this level not consists of atoms but of
special polytronic structures who don't exists on energyplain 1. The person is
now located at energyplain 2 as the lowest plain the person exist. The
subatomic structure is intact inside the person. The person can therefore
reappear at energyplain 1 by going down along the energydimension. If a
person should travel along the prubunsic dimension the person would experience
the following. The person would experience that all things around him become
foggy. Then all he see is fog. Then the fog disappears and the person is in a
total empty space. Then a new fog appear and things begin to appear out of the
fog. Then the foggy contours disappear and the things around him becomes
clear. The environment is new with alien creatures. This presume that the
Earth has 2 prubunsic natureplain right after another along the prubunsic
scale. If a planet don't have this, the person will go to a position in outer
space if the planet isn't defined prubunsic at that level. The emptiness the
person feel before entering the new prubunsic plain is because the universe
isn't defined at that prubunsic intermediate level. This because the universe
hasn't any microide that correspond to the frequencies expected at this level.
At this level time or space aren't defined. Since the soul of the person are
unatomic of nature the person can experience this intermediate prubunsic
level. At certain universes two microid type can react at the same time at
intermediate prubunsic frequencies. Her the person will not experience any
totally emptiness. The person will experience a strange nature disorientation.
He could experience a intermediate natureplain who was created as a synthesis
between the 2 main nature plain. The intermediate natureplain would become
very strange because of some missing naturelaws at that level. It would be
difficult to experience anything descent because of the naturelaws who where
missing. If a outside observer look at a person who travels along the
dimension 6 coordinate, he will observe the following. He will see the person
becomes foggy and semi transparent. Then the person will loose his form and he
will vaporize as a cloud. The only way to communicate with the person now is
by highlevel telepathy. It's not possible to find him with radar or other
instruments. It's not possible to find him using witching stick or metallic
search pins. When a person leaves a natureplain along the prubunsic coordinate
,all the atoms in his physical body are transmuted to the materials
surrounding his body. In this case most of the atoms are transmuted to oxygen
and nitrogen atoms, as this are the main gases in the air. This process takes
about 2 seconds. Viewed from the destination natureplain one will see a cloud
appear in free air. This cloud will begin to form itself as a human. Then the
human become more solid and the semi transparency in his body disappears. The
person is now totally materialized at the new prubunsic nature plain. The body
of the visitor will automatically adapt to the naturelaws on the new
natureplain. The person will look like he did in the original prubunsic nature
plain. If the person goes back to the natureplain he was travelling from ,he
will reappear exactly in the same form that he originally had. A advanced UFO
can move along all 6 dimension coordinates. This explains the total
disappearance and appearance of some of the UFOs.

Gateway for prubunsic transport.
The drawing describes a device who enable transport between prubunsic
natureplains. The system are powered by 6 big orgon generators. This are daisy
chained to increase the intensity of the orgon power. Orgon is a
interdimensional force who interacts with all natureplains. The daisy chaining
are done by tubes consisting of pure iron. From the output on generator 6 is
there an extra tube that goes to a hollow iron cylinder open at one end. The
power field are on the inner walls inside the cylinder. That enable use of
the energyplain-law directly. We use a modulated laser beam. The beam are
sent trough a crystal grid in order to split it up. This 2 beams are now sent
into the tube. The photons in the tube are now moved along the energy
dimension until they reach the correct energyplain. The highengonical signal
is now taken from the cylinder by a hollow tube of iron. This tube goes to a
new cylinder who are closed at both ends. 3 different tubes goes into this
cylinder. The second tube for this cylinder is the output from orgon generator
8. Inside this tube the highengonical signal are mixed. Then 2 new signals
are generated. The third tube conduct the mixed signal from the cylinder to
the gate. The gate consist of a iron tube who formes a ring 2 meter in
diameter. This ring are set up vertically so you can walk trough it. On the
inside of the tube a thin gap ( 2 nano metres) are burned trough the tube with
laser. Inside the gate a thin membrane of unatomic energy are created. By a
sinus generator who modulates the laser beam injected into the first
cylinder,the gate membrane are tuned to interact with the frequency pattern on
another prubunsic natureplain. The membrane will synchronize with this
frequency patterns and transform them to frequencypattern interacting with our
natureplain. A photon who hits the membrane from the other natural plain are
copied by the membrane to a photon who is present at our prubunsic natureplain
by transmutation. This enable us to see and hear things at the other
natureplaine via the membrane. If we gets the membrane to interact with
frequencypatterns from humpnap and the other natureplain at the same time,we
have created a tunnel between the 2 natureplains. We can walk right trough the
membrane and get to the other natureplain. The intensity of the membrane
enables the conversion to happen within a timeframe of 10 pico seconds. The
feeling will therefore be as walking trough a ordinary door. Persons from the
other natureplain can also walk right trough the gateway from their side in
order to visit us. In a more advanced models it's possible to set the
sensitivity of the membrane to all 6 dimensioncoordinates. This enable
timetravelling and spacetravelling trough
the gate within our own natureplain. If you set the membrane to interact with
the sirian frequency pattern you can walk trough the gate and get out on a
Sirius planet immediately. By this modification the system acts as a stargate

Interdimensional Geography

The term "space people" means beings coming from a different planet or
another geographical point outside the Earth, in such a manner that
they must traverse space. There are several beings on the Earth
standing higher on the ladder of development than the humans. These
being are on parallel planes on the Earth, but the nature of these
planes are often invisible to each other. To see the most of the
nature on Earth, one must in addition to the 4 dimensions of the
orthodox science (height, length, width and time), add another 2
dimensions, namely the energy dimension and the microidic density.
Microidic density (prubunsic) means the unatomic particle the,
microid which is the smallest particle in the universe and of which
there are 7 main groups in our universe. Because of this there are 7
parallel physical planes in the same geographical position. Some of
these planes are directly or indirectly connected, tied to the same
time dimension as ours. On the chemical or nuclear level there is no
interaction between the different prubunsic planes. They are
therefore invisible to each other. Considering the fifth dimension
(the energy dimension), it also constitutes a coordinate for parallel
natures (engonic). If one gets up high enough on the energy dimension,
the particles (which really are wave patterns) contain other types of
polytrons (basic particles) than those constituting objects as seen
from our physical plane (the humpnap plane). They will therefor not
normally register on our present measuring instruments. On the energy
dimension above the physical plane we find what is called the etheric
plane. On this plane, the physical plane may be dimly perceived, but
the physical objects are transparent as seen from the etheric plane.
The etheric plane is the one that is most easily contacted from
humpnap as it is closest to the physical plane. Above the etheric
plane we have the astral plane, which is even higher on the energy
dimension. The higher an object is in the energy dimension, the higher
is its total frequency (or rate of vibration). The astral plane is
also slightly displaced in relation to the prubunsic dimension, so
that communication between this and the physical plane becomes even
more difficult. Both the astral plane and the etheric plane are just
as "physical" as the physical plane as seen from hyper space. Hyper
space is space as seen including all the dimensions. By using certain
methods it is possible for beings from the invisible part of the
nature to become visible. This is the origin of certain legends and
myths about other beings. These beings are just as real as we are and
are not imagination as many psychologists claim. The only difference
to us is that they consist of different elemental particles with a
different frequency and possibly microidic density. Even the humans
on Earth consist of several more types of basic engonic particles than
the physical. The human being has a body on each engonic nature plane,
that is, one etheric body, one astral body, etc. When the physical
body dies, the consciousness is automatically transferred to the body
that person has on the engonic nature plane above. Even if the
physical body is intact and in full order, the consciousness can under
certain circumstances be transferred to the engonic nature plane
above. That person will then see and hear this nature which is
different from the physical. This is called hallucination by the
orthodox psychology. On can compare the energy dimension with the
scale of a radio, where the physical nature covers one area on the
scale defined as a "station". Above and below this station there are
other stations. Stations higher up on the scale are clearer than
stations further down because the stations higher up on the scale
contain much more information, due to the higher frequency. If you get
higher up in the radio specter, it becomes possible to transfer stereo
programs and even higher up it is possible to transfer television
pictures, which is not possible on longwave, as this has a too low
frequency. In the same way one can say that the nature becomes more
varied and diversified the higher up on the energy dimension it is. In
the highest energy dimensions there are phenomena that do not appear
in the nature of the lower energy dimensions. Beings that may be
living in a nature plane below us will therefore be more coarse and
primitive than beings on our nature plane and beings living in the
plane above may be more sophisticated and finer (better looking) than
beings on our nature plane. We have one more scale, namely the one
that constitutes the dimension of microidic density (prubunsic
dimension). On this scale there are also nature planes, but these are
on a line out from our plane on the same engonic level. If you view
these nature planes from humpnap, the variety in elements is the same
as on humpnap, but the forms of the nature may be quite different. If
we go up in regard to the engonic level, we will at 90 degrees out
from the higher nature here, have a corresponding scale, with a
corresponding multiplicity factor, but with a different content of
forms along the prubunsic axis. There will also be nature planes in
intervals on these scales via crossing coordinates. The full overview
of the different nature planes on the Earth may be seen as a square
surface, where the height gives the energy dimension (engonic) and the
width gives the dimension of the microidic density (prubunsic). The
nature planes are given as round dots on this surface. When you view
it in this way it is clear that on the planet Earth there may exist
several thousand nature planes together. That means that we have so
far only discovered around only one thousandth of the nature on the
planet Earth. Under certain circumstances matter may pass from one
nature plane to another along the prubunsic dimension. One such
circumstance is a thunderstorm pump (tornado or waterspout). A
thunderstorm pump is created by the power in a thunder cloud rising
above a certain critical value. Inside the waterspout strong, rotating
electrical and magnetic fields are generated. It is said that there is
lightening constantly going between the walls of a waterspout like
this. If the field strength rises even further inside the pump, a
critical border number 2 will be broken and we get ITM. Depending on
the harmony between the frequencies inside the waterspout, the objects
that now are sucked into the ITM zone will be transported via the
hyper space to another nature plane on the 6th. dimension coordinate,
or the object may be transported along the 4th dimension coordinate
into the future. If the orgon power together with the electrical and
magnetical fields is sufficiently strong, the material may also be
transported upwards along the 5th. dimension coordinate, as the
polytrons can take on a higher form. (They can for inst. lose their
gravitons.) The reason why it now and again may rain with unknown
animal species may be that a waterspout on a different prubunsic
nature plane has sucked these up and transported them to us via an ITM
zone inside a waterspout. The things that are sucked up by our
waterspouts could just as well end up on a different nature plane.
When you view space from the physical plane, it is only viewed from
humpnap, viewed from other nature planes, space will look different.
There are heavenly bodies in humpnap that do not exist on other nature
planes etc. It is not necessarily so that other planets have nature
planes in the same position on the 6th and the 5th dimension
coordinates as us. That means that even in our solar system there may
be more planets than those that we can observe from humpnap. If we
move a step aside from then 6th dimension coordinate (prubunsic), it
may happen that some of the planets we can see from our physical plane
will disappear and some planets which are invisible to us could
appear, while some planets are visible from both planes, but the
landscapes are different. A planet without an atmosphere in humpnap
may have it on a different prubunsic nature plane. With regard to the
6th dimension coordinate, the existence of other solar systems are
possible, even galaxies and universes which have no parallel existence
in humpnap. If one gets to another nature plane along the 6th
dimension coordinate, the star constellations in the sky will probably
change dramatically. It is also possible that the laws of nature on
other prubunsic nature planes may be differently arranged, so that a
planet like the moon could have an atmosphere. The extent of the
nature planes in the coordinate systems of the 6th and the 5th
dimension (the ulbutrasic coordinate system), may vary individually
between the different nature planes. It may happen that one nature
plane may extend across several energy planes (the 5th dimension is
divided into quantum levels which are given as energy planes, where
the difference is that one energy plane above has a maximum wave
velocity which is the square of the one in the plane below.) This is
especially valid for nature planes higher up on the energy dimension,
as for instance the astral plane. If one views the whole from the
prubunsic one will see that a set of planets on the same nature plane
have a tendency to lay as a disk as seen in relation to the star. This
is called the plane of the ecliptic. Going to the next prubunsic
nature plane one will see that the same is the case here, but that the
ecliptic plane here deviates for inst. 10 degrees from our nature
plane. Thus we get an incline in the ecliptic plane for each nature
plane along the 6th dimension coordinate. This is done so that planets
existing on different prubunsic nature planes shall not interfere with
their thoughts (telepathically) on other planets on a different nature
plane along the 6th coordinate. Planets having some coinciding nature
planes, the whole system viewed as one, for inst. having no
coinciding physical planes, but coinciding astral planes, may stay on
the same ecliptic. The different ecliptic planes made up of different
planet systems on different prubunsic nature planes may cross each
other at certain points. In very rare cases it could happen that
planets could collide on a different nature plane, for inst. if the
planet in a different ecliptic system changes prubunically so that it
coincides with a planet in a different ecliptic plane. If this had
happened as seen from our plane, we would suddenly have seen a new
planet, not belonging to our ecliptic. If this planet on several
nature planes coincide with ours, it would be drawn into our ecliptic
and find a place between one of our planets. It could also happen that
it collided with one of our planets before this happened. However,
this is normally arranged in such a fine balance that this does not
happen. In the cross over point between the different ecliptic planes,
it might happen that two planets which otherwise are invisible for
each other come very close together so that communication between
these two planets is easier, in any case with regard to telepathy and
other such phenomena. It could happen that 2 planets on 2 different
ecliptic planes may cross each other, if the two planets each have
many nature planes, but with only one that is common there will be a
shock wave through the other nature planes as a consequence of the
dramatic happenings on the coinciding nature planes. Matter from this
nature plane will then be scattered into hyper space. The shock waves
will not damage the other nature planes, but may cause strange and
evidently unexplainable natural phenomena on these. Normally the
planets in the different ecliptic planes are not coinciding at any
point in the ulbutrasic coordinate system. If two planets cross each
other in the same point, even if they have no coinciding nature
planes, it will be a dramatic happening, in as much as the mixing of
the total frequency pictures of the 2 planets will create new nature
planes when the planets coincide. If there is a lot of disharmony in
the mixing product, the nature planes will disappear when the 2
planets draw away from each other. Some matter from this rendevoux
could be thrown out into the hyper space and land on quite a different
nature plane, for inst. on humpnap. It is a fact that even if the 2
planets that crossed each other are invisible from humpnap, some of
the frequency products that came out of the meeting, can be visible
from humpnap as fragments of different minerals. This may explain why
it can happen that some meteorites may contain Uranium and Plutonium
and other substances which according to atomic rules should have been
broken down if they came from other solar systems, through the usual
physical transportation. It is a fact that through the conventional
fusion process in the stars, Iron is the highest matter that can be
built up. Matter that is even higher than Iron, for inst. Uranium and
Plutonium must therefore be built up in other ways. One method that I
can see, is that they are created by the frequency products between
interaction of matter on 2 different nature planes. If certain
harmonies are reached when two planets come together in this way,
there will be born 2 quite new planets which keep their existence even
after the two original planets have parted. One planet will be the
product of the 2 planets D frequency and will end up higher in the
coordinate system on all planes. That means that all the nature planes
on this planet are higher on the energy dimension than the original
planets. There will also be created a planet which is the product of
the 2 planets C frequency. This will be lower down on the energy
dimension than the original planets. None of these planets will have
coinciding nature planes and will therefore be quite invisible to each
other. The 2 new planets may end up in separate planet systems with
planets of coinciding nature planes. The new planets will therefore
land in these planets ecliptic. If there is no ecliptic plane with
nature planes coinciding with these planets, they will make their own
ecliptic into which other later planets with the same nature planes
will be drawn. However, it is a prerequisite that the sun of the
system has coinciding nature planes with the new planets. If it does
not have this, the correct harmonies will not be reached when the
original planets cross and there will normally be no new planets
created. This implies that it is the sun in the system that is the
deciding factor regarding the nature plane levels wanted in the system
and that their ecliptic is already decided before any eventual planets
arrive. If against presumption planets should be created with which
the sun has no coinciding nature planes, these planets will land in
interstellar space on their own nature plane. These planets will then
drift away from the solar system in which they were created as they
have no coinciding nature planes with it. If one had a space craft
which could move in the prubunsic, one would while moving, discover
that stars and planets changed colors, some disappeared and others
appeared. If one was in the solar system one would see that the sun
changed character as one moved along. On would also experience that
the sun suddenly disappeared for later, suddenly again to reappear in
a different guise. As the sun disappeared one moved through nature
planes on which the sun was not coinciding. It happens that many suns
have their nature planes ordered in a straight line along the 6th
dimension coordinate. In this case one would not see the Sun
disappear, again to reappear, but would see it change all the time,
both in size, light, color and other things. When the sun then
disappeared it would not again reappear as it did not have any nature
planes that far to the left or that far to the right along the 6th
dimensional coordinate. The disappearances seen in the Bermuda
Triangle, may have its explanation in that the airplanes and ships
came inside an ITM zone that moved them prubunically. This,
especially, as a pilot reported that both the ocean and other things
changed and that he saw several suns in the sky. The reason that he
saw several suns could be that he also entered a sphere with space
refraction so that the light from the sun on the different prubunsic
nature planes, was refracted in accordance with the distance in the
microidic density. The refraction angle was therefore dependent upon
this. The sun is in the same place even if it is active in several
nature planes. The same thing that can happen with planets on two
nature planes can also happen between 2 stars, but then the original
stars will get some other properties on their nature planes after the
meeting because of the information exchange that happened during the
meeting. The same can also happen on two planets meeting each other.
What one will then notice on these planets is a change in the climate,
as well as geological changes. One may also notice other things, for
inst. that two nature planes are integrated into each other. The
beings on these nature planes will discover dramatic changes in as
much as their nature suddenly contains many other phenomena and things
in addition to what they had before. One may also get a change in a
nature plane because it can change its place in the ulbutrasic
coordinate system, that is a change in respect to the 6th and the 5th
dimension coordinate. What is valid for meetings of planets of
different nature planes on the 6th dimension coordinate is also valid
for swarms of meteors. We will then get 2 new swarms of meteors in
addition to the two that met. The two new swarms of meteors will get
different nature planes. The D components that was created at the
meeting will make matter that is more complicated and the C component
will make matter that is less complicated. The addition on humpnap of
metals heavier than Iron has probably its essential cause in what is
described here.

So far we have mostly looked at conditions that have to do
with the 6th dimension coordinate. We shall now look at the different
nature planes on the 5th dimension coordinate. If we are in the nature
plane above us, on the 5th dimension coordinate, we will have a more
differentiated and diversified nature. If we now view space, we will
see a lot more than we did on the nature plane below. We will be able
to see the light indirectly and what was experienced as fields in the
nature plane below becomes touchable as physical matter here. One will
for inst. be able to touch and feel a magnetic field. One might see
the force of gravity as light etc. This however, is dependent on that
this nature plane coincides with the energy plane above. It would be
possible to see the connecting lines between the stars and other
sophisticated patterns in space as well as stars and planets. Beings
living on a high enough engonic nature plane have, because of the
higher frequencies and the basically higher flow of information being
utilized there, much more advanced abilities and possibilities than
what we have in humpnap. They do not need food and drink, but take
their energy directly from the cosmos with the help of an inner ITM
process. As earlier mentioned the Earth also has several nature planes
in the 5th and the 6th dimension coordinate. Beings living in higher
nature planes can lower themselves to our level, by lowering their
total vibration in short periods. They then become visible and
touchable as their subatoms temporarily change. If we stay at the same
prubunsic point and only look at the engonic axis, one will see that
the nature planes here has a much greater connection with each other
than nature planes along the 6th dimension axis. This is because along
the 5th axis one finds the energy planes which have direct connection
with each other, as the reactions in the energy plane above decides
the nature laws in the plane below. If those living on a higher
engonic nature plane are conscious of this, they may gain great power
over the plane below. Now it turns out that it is easier for people to
visit each others nature planes if they are living on nature planes
along the 5th dimension axis which also are at the same point on the
6th axis. Under the conditions prevailing in a thunderstorm, beings
living close to our nature plane along the 5th axis, can temporarily
come to our nature plane. It is so that the nature plane that we
occupy, the physical, encompasses a lot more than the sense organs of
the humans can detect. There are therefore beings living on our own
nature plane, of which we are not conscious. These beings could be
visible to us if we looked through a part of the light spectrum which
is invisible to our eyes. Under certain weather conditions even these
being may be visible to us in as much as the light may be transformed
to a frequency level that the Earth humans eyes can perceive. If one
had used scientific measuring instruments, one would have found that
the body of these beings consisted of a mixture of plasma and gas
atoms ordered in a partly crystalline pattern. This category of beings
go under the names of pixies, fairies etc. It is the lower part of the
etheric plane interfering with our physical plane that we are talking
about here. The uppermost part of the etheric plane lies in the nature
plane above. Within our energy plane there are several nature planes.
In the nature plane below there are beings with lower frequency
components than by us. They will often seem unpleasant to look at and
to deal with. I take it that there are 3 - 4 nature planes below our
energy plane as seen from our view. For other beings living here,
these nature planes may seem as the 1st nature plane. The conception
nature plane is therefore relative to the beings in question. The
definition of a nature plane is that world which a being perceives
with his normal sense organs. The world described as the astral plane,
lies above us on the 5th dimension axis. This is a big plane which
contains 7 natural plane divisions and covers between 2 and 3 energy
planes. These plane divisions lump together in spherical layers which
as geographically seen are above each other, where the lowest layer
has the lowest frequency and the highest layer has the highest. But
even if this is the case the 7 nature planes are intermingled over the
whole range. As seen from a lower layer, the matter in the layer above
will seem as an empty space or air. However, the lowest astral
frequency is higher than the highest physical. The lowest astral layer
lies under the physical surface of the Earth. It is a fact that there
are several divisions under the Earth's surface. In one of these
layers is the world that in Earth terms is called Hell in the
literature of the Earth. The frequencies here harmonize with the
lowest frequencies of feeling and thought in the Earthly body. It is
so that the beings on the astral plane form their own environment
through their own thoughts and feelings. The environment formed by a
being on the same astral nature plane may also be seen by another
being without this being having contributed to the forming of this
environment. If one knows the astral plane's nature laws, one may
move wherever on wishes in and between this planes different nature
planes dependent on ones development. When a human being dies
physically, it is this beings body on the nature plane above to which
the consciousness is transferred. The etheric body of the Earth human
serves as a body of conversion between the physical and the astral
body and is by the Earth human not sufficiently developed to contain
all the functions that the consciousness level demands. For space
people this may be different. The consciousness is normally
transferred directly to the astral body in the plane above. During
this process the person will see his whole physical life on Earth pass
in review. When the consciousness is transferred from the etheric to
the astral body, the person will experience that he is traveling at
great speed through a tunnel and exits into a strong light. This is
dependent on the person having reached a certain level in his
development. When the person exits in the light he is on one of the
astral plane's highest levels or he may find himself directly in the
hyper space. It also happens that the person comes out in the so
called copy layer. This is a nature plane that has a copy of all the
different objects on the physical plane, which in a certain way is
connected to this. In addition to this there are also other objects
which are not found on our usual physical nature plane. One finding
himself here, will see his own physical body laying on the ground or
where-ever it may be. It happens that the process just described may
occur without the physical body being fully dead, and when this body
is in order again, the consciousness is transferred back to it. In
this case the etheric body is intact and is in the physical body. It
may also happen that the etheric body leaves the physical body but is
connected to it through an energy loop (the silver thread). When the
Earthly body becomes in order again, both the etheric and the astral
body will be transferred back. When an Earthly person sleeps, the
consciousness is often transferred to the astral body which thereupon
leaves the body temporarily. What Earthly people experience as dreams
are 2 things. The one is that when the consciousness departs the
Earthly brain a partly uncontrolled activity happens in the brain. The
other is memories from the astral nature plane where the consciousness
was active while he slept. With a certain amount of training and
development it is possible to consciously cut out the Earthly brains
activity and instead transfer astral impressions directly to the
memory of the physical brain. When the Earthly consciousness is
transferred to the astral body after the death of the physical body,
the astral matter from the seven astral nature planes, has a tendency
to clump together in layers outside each other, where the layer with
the lowest frequencies has a tendency to be the outermost one. That
means that the being cannot at once perceive the higher nature planes
of the astral plane, but will do so from the lowest to the highest
consecutively. That means that a person who has a lot of the lower
thoughts and feeling frequencies in his body will have gathered much
astral matter belonging in the lower astral nature planes while he was
living in his physical body. This is because these thoughts and
feelings are in phase with the matter of this nature plane which gives
attraction. After his death, the persons outer layer will come into
phase with the vibrations from a world with low vibrations. If the
person while being in the physical plane has gathered astral matter
which coincide with these frequencies, the person will be drawn here.
It is however, that the astral matter around the body evaporates, so
that the layer which is in phase with the Hell by and by evaporates.
The person will then experience that Hell disappears and the next
layer containing astral matter from the astral nature plane above
comes into effect. The person will then be able to experience the next
nature plane. The time that the person spends in the different astral
nature planes depends on the amount of matter from the different
astral planes he has gathered while he lived in the physical body.
This again depends on the persons thoughts, feelings, actions etc.,
but especially on the persons attitude, understanding and nature. On
the basis of this knowledge one can say that the eternal perdition and
torment in Hell is wrong. It is also a misconception that most Earth
humans arrive in Hell after their death. Most arrive in the astral
plane approximately midways up, that is in the astral nature plane
that looks like the physical plane. The highest of the astral nature
planes contain what is called the religious Heaven. Here are different
countries, created by the collective thought forms of the different
religious sects and by beings naturally belonging here. Each of these
countries coincide with what that sects idea of its Heaven is. In Hell
there are also countries created by the ideas of the different
religious sects. Both in Hell and Heaven and other astral nature
planes there are beings and natures which have not been created by the
Earthly human beings thoughts or through incarnation as Earth humans
on the physical plane. For these being the astral plane is their base
plane. If one has an understanding of the astral planes physical laws
before one arrives there, it will be a great advantage. These
physical laws allows one much greater freedom than the Earthly nature
laws. One can for inst. do a lot with ones power of will. One may for
inst. with the help of the will stop the astral matter from organizing
into layers with the lowest frequency on the outside. It is then
possible to get a mixture which makes it possible to visit whichever
astral plane one wishes already from the start. The lower planes,
however, will by and by evaporate, so that only the higher planes are
available towards the end of the astral body's life. It is a fact that
if enough beings believe in a thing, or if what a human being thinks
or does has sufficient power, this will possibly be able to create an
object on the astral plane. This happens because the humans thought
energy is produced in the mental plane, which lies above the astral
plane along the 5th dimension axis. This can lead to an author writing
about a person of his own invention, and if many enough read the book,
the collective thought field of these persons may create the fictive
person in a higher astral nature plane. This person will be like a
robot, and will not be able to go outside the frame that the author
has made. Because of this, whole plays based on famous books may be
played out on a higher astral nature planes. If God wants to, he may
give one of these book persons a soul, then that being is no longer a
robot but an independent being. It may then even happen that this
person incarnates as a human in the physical plane and will carry many
of the traits of the person the author gave his subject. It may even
happen that a whole story written in a book can be given a practical
test with real beings some hundred years after the book was written,
or on another planet or on another nature plane on the same planet
along the prubunsic dimension coordinate. Because of this, both
Father Christmas and Donald Duck are existing on a higher astral
nature plane because of all the children who are reading this. The
reason is that the children's thought energy has a much greater
creative power than the thought energy from grown up Earth human
beings. There are however, exemptions also here, in as much as there
can be grown ups with as great or even greater creative thought power
than the children. If a story in a book is tried out in practice, as a
frame for a real play with real beings, the story will of course
develop differently from the story that the author wrote as these
beings have a free will. It will then be interesting to compare the
change in comparison to what the author originally had thought. It is
quite likely that God takes a story as Donald Duck and use this as a
frame when He now and then creates new planets. The beings on this
planet will then get bodies that look like the beings in "Duck City".
The life on this planet will of course be much richer and detailed
than the original story about Donald, as these beings will be
independent thinking beings, but the course frame in the planets
nature may be constructed according to the description in Donald Duck.
As there in Donald Duck also are descriptions of technology including
inter stellar and inter dimensional space travel, it would not be
impossible that space craft from this planet, if it one day is a
reality, could land on Earth in our nature plane. The scientifically
bent types of this planet would then presumably consist of a group of
people looking like Peter Smart as he developed most of the technology
in Duck City. This example is mentioned to show that all thinking
beings contribute to new creations in the cosmos, maybe in ways they
themselves do not realize. If we look at the planets in the Solar
system from our nature plane (humpnap) one will with our present
technology (the Earthly on humpnap), not so far in the time of our
civilization (previously existing civilizations have found this) have
found life on the planets that are visible to us. Looking at Venus,
the Earthly science will say that life there is impossible because the
surface temperature is 400 degrees Celsius. They think then of life in
bodies adapted to our planet. On Venus, all the bodies existing on
this planets humpnap would of course be adapted to this planet and not
to Earth. They would of course be built up in quite a different
manner. The civilization possibilities on Venus lies on a nature plane
that is above ours, along the engonic dimension axis so that the
lowest nature plane that this civilization can use, coincides with one
of our nature planes in a higher etheric region. Because of this, the
space probes that we send to Venus will not be able to photograph this
civilization as they cannot move interdimensionally. In the future a
civilization will develop on Venus which will also be on our engonic
level. Visitor who say they are from Venus, may have traveled millions
of years back in time to be able to visit us. On Mars there is a
similar situation, but here the lowest nature plane in use is on the
level with nature planes in the lower part of the Earth's etheric
plane. That means that it is on the same energy dimension as us. It
should therefore be possible to get certain glimpses of it if one
photographed it in a different part of the light specter. Mars has had
civilization on the same level as humpnap, but this civilization
developed so far that they increased their vibrations so much that
for us corresponded to a higher nature plane. Besides, the planet was
once in the past exposed to a great catastrophe which amongst other
things changed the planets orbit around the sun to a more distant
orbit than what the planet originally had. This brought such dramatic
climatic changes that the civilization on its humpnap died out. It
should still be possible to find rests of the cities of this
civilization if one sent a conventional space craft to Mars. This
catastrophe was triggered by a nuclear test explosion on the planet
that once existed between Mars and Jupiter. The civilization here had
developed in an undesirable direction and they were very warminded. As
part of their rearmament, a new type of atomic weapon was tested and
this blew up the whole planet. Those that lived on this planet were
reincarnated on other planets. Some also landed on the Earth and are a
contributing factor in the military development on Earth. The same
type of bomb that blew up the planet between Mars and Jupiter has also
been tried developed on Earth, but the Galactic Federation intervened
and stopped the further development of this weapon on Earth. The
catastrophe may be the reason why the dinosaurs suddenly died out some
million years ago. There are also things pertaining to a giant comet
of interstellar origin having visited our planetary system once in the
past. This comet was so big that the orbits of the planets in our
solar system were disturbed. The planet Venus is supposed to have been
in the company of this comet, but was left in our solar system. This
may also have been the origin of the dying out of some of the species
on Earth. The planet between Mars and Jupiter (Maldek) was larger than
the Earth. Sometimes when the beings on a planet have developed far
enough, there is no longer need for this planets lower nature planes.
If the planet generally is far enough developed it will increase its
total vibrations along the engonic axis so that the lower nature
planes disappear. There are therefore planets on our ecliptic plane
which are invisible to us, as their absolute lowest nature plane is
on the same level as nature planes higher up on our engonic dimension
axis. With regards to the planet between Mars and Jupiter, it probably
exploded on all nature planes along an engonic axis 90 degrees on a
point along the 6th dimension scale (the prubunsic). The planet may
still be existing, if one looks at the other nature planes along the
prubunsic dimension axis. It is also so that the Earth generally will
develop in such a way that the lowest engonic nature planes will be
superfluous. These will then disappear when the Earth increases its
total frequency. It is also so that the Earth human's astral body
dies, but some Earth humans chose to be reborn physically before this
happens. For those that do not do this, the astral body will die when
the matter with the highest frequency has evaporated. The
consciousness is then transferred to the mental body. This is on an
engonic plane which is even higher than the astral plane. This plane
reaches over even more energy levels than the astral and is divided
into seven nature planes. On this engonic plane the frequency is so
high that the thoughts are visible. One will also be able to see in 5
physical dimensions. The mental body is not governed by the same
nature laws as the astral body, it does not evaporate and is therefore
in principle immortal. Humans have, however, even higher bodies than
the mental body. If one chooses to transfer ones consciousness here
fully and completely, the mental body will disappear, but the unity on
which it is built, the mental unit is preserved. If one then lower the
consciousness to the mental level again, a new mental body will be
created on the same pattern as the previous, or a better version. The
higher part of the religious Heaven lies on the lower mental plane. If
one arrives on the mental plane without being completely aware of
this, it may happen that one surrounds oneself with a shell of ones
own thoughts, which can be seen and experienced, so that the waves
from ones environment on this nature plane cannot get through. If one
is conscious of this, one will be able to break the shell and will
then be able to look at this very rich plane as well as communicating
with the planes original inhabitants. On the highest levels of the
mental plane are the beings who govern the development of the solar
system and the planets. The planetary consciousness is found here
(Earth logos), that is the planet's own consciousness (Gaia). This
plane is often visited by higher orders of space people, who on a
higher level are planning and coordinating between the different