Hard Believing Secrets Revealed
Regardless if you believe it, like it or not, the following are true and verifiable facts about what is going on out there. This information is presented to you as a gift and it will be up to you what you want to do with it. The following information will not fit in everybody’s brain. It will take some guts to realize the truth. You can either be the sheep, who does and believe what the rest believes and the elite tells you to do or believe, or you can be the cowboy and be different and stand out in the crowd and be knowledgeable and intelligent. The choice is yours. It’s your life and it’s your eternity which is being compromised anyways. Good Luck!
World Control
The world is currently being controlled and operated by alien beings. The reason why the subject about aliens and spaceships is so secret and laughed at it’s because it is very serious. The reason the truth is being kept secret is because if the truth is known, the control of humanity and all its sufferings will be over and that cannot be because the alien’s game will be over. They are here because their game is control. The most powerful beings of the universe reside on planet Earth (it’s us) and so they cannot allow us to remember who we truly are and what we are capable of. For this reason, they have set several traps and lies all around history and the world to keep us under control, ignorance and at the same type they create events in the world in which it will cause people to feel and experience fear, pain, anger and all those negative and not pleasurable feelings in humans to feed their own hunger. Just like the human body consumes food to remain alive, aliens consume those negative feelings which humans produce and radiate all over the world to stay alive too. That is why they have to create chaos and fear all over the world.
Who Are They? Where Are They?
There is a constellation called Alpha Draco, which is several light years away from our galaxy. These beings from Alpha Draco are known as “Draconians” and they represent all the reptile creatures found on Earth since the beginning of time. They are reptile beings, about 6 feet tall (some are taller) with a greenish reptile type of skin and look and they stand in 2 feet like humans do and have two arms. They are very physically strong and their strength is similar as of 10 men all together and they have great mental and telepathy powers and a well established organization of control. A perfect example of what a Draconian looks like can be seen in the movie “Signs”. Draconians are capable of transforming themselves and they can mock up a human body very easily and disguise themselves as humans. A perfect example of this is the old mini series called “V” (Visitors), a movie or series about human like aliens coming down to earth to offer humanity help and advance medicine in return of water and other natural resources they need to keep their planet and civilization from dying. They looked like humans but in reality they were “reptiles” and they would shape-shift and their real intentions were to control human life and the world. That of what is seen in this movie “V” is true and is happening now.
There is another constellation called “Zeta Reticuli”. This is where the little gray aliens come from. The grays, just like the Dracos are feeling-less and cold blooded. Because they have no feelings, they do not feel any type of sympathy towards humans and humanity and the world. When they use humans for experimentation, they do not feel when they torture and kill humans in their labs. For them, we are just lab rats or guinea pigs. Dracos believe their race is the most powerful and important race in the universe. They have this “ego” and they see any other race as “inferior”, including the grays. The Dracos have conquered the grays, and so now the grays work for the Dracos and they are the ones mainly doing all the “dirty” work for them here on Earth. The Dracos direct and the grays follow their orders and plans.
How They Control The World And Humanity
The Dracos and the grays have been visiting Earth and have been here for at least the past 13,000 years. Also other civilizations (good ones) have been here as well (more of it later). Dracos and grays have very advanced technology not understandable until this day to humans in this planet. They also have great understanding and abilities such as telepathy and other “secret” knowledge. And so, this is how they infiltrated humanity and have been controlling humanity for the past thousands of years:
- They came first to Africa in the very early days of humanity. This is verifiable by the Zulus, an ancient African civilization and there is a man, the only shaman descendant of the Zulus alive to tell this story, his name is Credo Mutwa (Search online).
- The Dracos and the grays have established until this date more than 145 secret underground and underwater bases around the world. The secret and black governments of the world know about this and have made a deal with them in exchange for alien technology. Some of these people inside the black government are even Dracos themselves in human form and they have been seen by other humans shape-shifting between human like appearance and their natural reptile appearance, there are even pictures of proof of this online. For more information visit www.davidicke.com, and or read the books “Rule by Secrecy” and “Alien Agenda” by Jim Marrs. Alternatively go to www.youtube.com and search: david+icke and watch all of his videos and conferences.
- To rule the world and control humanity, they have established all sorts of secret societies and cults and they have infiltrated into society and people in great power or position and they are now all part of it. They’ve been brainwashed.
- In Germany in 1776, the Illuminati, or the order of the illuminated was established and founded by Draco being with human like appearance named “Adam Weishaupt”. The story of the masons and the illuminati and world control starts here.
- The illuminati brained washed important people with important posts around the world and converted them into masons and the illuminati started growing and then other secret societies followed and were establish all under control of the illuminati.
- The purpose of the illuminati is to create an illusion that the world needs to be controlled and managed by a one world government, called the New World Order. This New World Order was going to be established and executed by the global Elite. Some people, societies and companies who were and are from the illuminati include: President Lincoln, Nostradamus, Mozart, Christopher Columbus, Adam Hitler, Stanley, The Rockefellers, The Kennedy’s, The royal family of England, the Bush family including George Bush current president, Al Gore, Donald Rumsfeld, Collin Powell, Bin Laden family, CFR, NATO, CIA, NSA, FBI, DOD, DEA, Skulls n Bones secret society, the Pilgrim Society, Kux Kux Klan, J.P Morgan, Citigroup, AOL, Time Warner, Shell, Exxon, Texaco, McDonalds, Jack in the box, MSNBC, MSN, Microsoft, Apple, IBM, HP, Dell, Gateway, Sony, Sony Pictures, Hollywood, all major newspapers and mainstream media around the world, American Express, and the list goes on and on. In all of this, you will find the secret and hidden messages of the Illuminati all over, it is there sitting right before your eyes, you just can’t see the signs because you are not aware of them or do not know the secret and hidden messages behind their logos, names etc. The illuminati employ the Egyptian eye of “Horus” to indicate that they are “watching us”. Examine closely the company logos of AOL, Time Warner, MSNBC and others and you will see the “eye of Horus” everywhere. It’s even in the one dollar bill, the eye of Horus and the Star of David and the 13 stars in the great seal of the United States. The pyramid on the dollar bill has 13 layers (count them) and it has written in the first layer in roman numbers the year 1776, which is the year the Illuminati was founded. At the tip of the pyramid there is a capstone with the eye of Horus at the top which ensembles the fall of humanity. You will also find in this logo the Latin words “Annuit Coeptis” which means “Our Organization, and “Novus Ordo Seclorum” which means New World Order. The eagle on the dollar bill is holding 13 leafs on one side and 13 arrows on the other. 13 is an occult number and it represents the top 13 global elite of the illuminati, the New World Order. Locate an owl on the front of the one dollar bill; it represents the Bohemian Grove secret society. For more: www.infowars.com
- The illuminati controls, manipulates and suppresses the media. Everything that you hear, read and listen in the media is controlled and has a purpose. It is all made to keep humanity under control and to cause more and more fear around the world. They exaggerate the news and make it seem worse than what it really is. The illuminati also use the media to transmit secret and hidden messages to other illuminati members as what are their upcoming plans. They also use the media to control humanity in many ways. There is no movie that the illuminati did not wanted you to see. Hollywood is controlled by the illuminati. They employ secret subliminal messages in commercials and movies to “re-program” your subconscious mind into becoming a productive sheep and keep you under ignorance
- The illuminati use the occult numerology to stamp their deeds in world events such as in the attacks of 911. To understand more about how they use the occult numerology, please visit: www.threeworldwars.com.
- The attacks of 911 were an inside job and planned by the illuminati. There is tons of information and evidence about this. For more information please visit: www.infowars.com and www.prisonplanet.tv.
- There is a divine plan in place and all suffering and control from these beings will cease very soon. These changes will go into effect on December 21st, 2012. The world and humans will shift from the 3d dimension into the 4th dimension. Big Earth changes will occur and 70% of the population will die. People who are not prepared for ascension on this date will “disappear”, as like in “The Rapture” of 666. December 21st, 2012 is where the Mayan calendar ends. The Mayans were an old and cosmic civilization from the 7 stars called the “Pleiades”. The Pleiadians have been helping humans to prepare for “ascension” into the next dimension. For more info: www.pleiadians.com and www.pleiadians.net. www.whatthebleep.com Watch the movie “What The Bleep Do We Know?” it will help. Good Luck!
- Expect more inexplicable world natural disasters as we approach the year 2012. Expect nuclear wars, hurricanes, tornadoes, wild fires, deceases, pesticide, hunger, poverty, killings and shootings, terrorist attacks, discomfort around the world, more drugs, a rise in crime, more and more people talking about aliens, spaceships, lunar landings, and missions to mars etc. By the way, there are people already living on Mars, both human and alien. There is even a video of a Mars landing that took place in May 22th, 1962 by American and Russian astronauts aboard an alien spaceship. For more information search online for: Alternative 3 video. Also visit www.themarsrecords.com. Warning, the information found on www.themarsrecords.com might disturb your mind and peace. After reading the Mars Records, I suggest you pray every night to the Lord Jesus Christ. This is because after reading this you might experience paranormal activity and or alien sightings and contacts and even abduction (because they know you are awakening and they don’t want that). The Mars Records is information sensitive, the more you read about it the more you will experience odd and weird stuff happening to you. You will perceive a presence in your room and you will have the feeling as if someone is watching you. Do not be scared, pray and ask Jesus to protect you. If you are not prepared mentally and spiritually yet, I suggest not reading The Mars Records at all.