Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pollution Problems On The Astral & Mental Levels


The astral plain.
The pollution on the astral level don't consists of chemicals. The pollution
on this level consists of the negative feelings who are made in other beings
by the humans. Example. When a animal is killed by the humans this creates
negative feeling energies in the animal who pollutes the astral level. The
common way within agriculture to keep animals pollutes the astral level. When
the animal is kept within a cage all it's life this creates negative feeling
in the animal who are transmitted to the astral level. Painful experiments on
animals also pollutes the astral level. Wars between humans are one of the
greatest polluters of the astral level. Feelings like fear,hate,jealousy and
so on makes imbalances at the astral level. The pollution of the astral level
are not noticed immediately on the physical level,but the consequences are
great. The astral level is at the same engonical level as energyplain 2. The
naturelaws on energyplain 1 has it's cause in different reactions on
energyplain 2. The pollution of the astral level with negative and limited
feelings can disturb this reactions. This influence the Earth control
system. This again disturb the Earth ability to balance the different energies
at the planet. This cause imbalance also at the physical level. The
consequences are imbalance between the natural forces. This again creates
natural disasters as flood,hurricanes,volcanic eruptions,earthquakes and so
on. The negative feelings who are emitted on the astral level creates a frame
for negative frequency pictures. When those frequencypictures are transformed
to the physical level they mirrors the negativity at the astral level at the
physical level. This are seen as destructive naturephenomena at the physical
level. To correct this,the humans must not produce animals for the purpose of
eating them. The animals must go freely around in the nature without human
interference who could cause negative feelings in the animals. The human must
also change the feelings toward each other. Feelings as fear,hate jealousy and
so on must be exchanged with feelings like joy and love. Religions who have a
base in fear must be eliminated. The thoughts about a judging and punishing
God must be exchanged with thoughts about a loving and creative God. The
belief in negative creatures as devils and demons must be eliminated totally.
This belief give energy to negative thoughtforms who live on this energy.
They actually live on the negative feeling energy called fear. This thought
forms then create thoughtbacterians who have as a purpose to keep this fear
alive. If the fear is removed this thoughtforms will not exist any more. The
pollution of the astral level cause many physical diseases at animals and
humans. It also causes instability in the weather.

The pollution at the mental level.
The mental plain are polluted by limited thoughts as THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE and
I HAVE NO VALUE. In order to expand the mental horizon for the humans the
human must learn to understand the creating power of thought energies. The
thought itself acts as a modulator for high engonic forces and the belief in
combination with the thought directs this engonic highenergies through the
thought forms. With this in mind the limitation the world have trough the
understanding of the naturelaws can be bypassed. It was trough correct
believing in combination with correct thinking that enabled Jesus Christ in
walking on the water. His thoughts and believes created ITM processes within
his aura. This turned his thoughtform directly to reality by modulating the
energyplain 2 forces controlling the natural forces at energyplain 1. The
sceptics pollutes the mental level by the limitation in their thoughts. They
think that this and that is not possible because they cannot measure it or it
will not fit into the present theories about physics. By this thinking they
prevents an expansion of the human consciousness-sphere. Also certain group
thinking pollutes the mental level. One of this groups are Darwinists who
build their entire thinking around a total chemical world view. For this group
the knowledge about the higher dimensions don't exist. They think that the
only purpose for life is fighting and that only the strongest survive this
fighting by suppression of the weaker life forms. This philosophy was a major
part of the Nazi philosophy creating the world war 2. The Nazi tried to
extinguish other human races as they saw them weaker. They thing it was their
right to kill this races because of the therm in Darwins teaching that says
that only the strongest survive. Unfortunately this thinking is still present
within medical societies on Earth. The doctors often see the human as a
totally chemical object. This doctors don't concerns about the higher
interdimensional structure of the human. They don't understand the development
of the soul as it live several times in different lifeforms. This thinking
also affects the psychology and psychiatry who act as a inquisitorial tool for
this thinking. They believe that the thoughts are chemical processes in the
brain and that they can change the thinking by injecting chemicals that works
on the brain into the body. They also think that they can change the persons
way of thinking by operating the brain or by electro-chocks. This has a effect
similar to that of operating the television receiver in order to change the
content of a television program they don't like, transmitted from the
television studio. The things they see as mental illness are often information
from other dimensions received by the higher bodies present at other nature
plains. This person is so developed that their higher bodies begin to register
the nature of their levels by them selves. This information become a part of
the person consciousness as the person develop the communication structure
between his bodies. Then the experience on other nature plains becomes as real
as the experience trough the physical senses of the person. This experiences
are registered as mental disturbances by the orthodox doctor who thing that
all is chemical reaction within the physical brain. Then the doctor see a duty
in blocking for the mulidimensional experiences. A real psychologist must have
knowledge about the mental plain and the naturelaws who control this plain.
The psychologist must also have full telepathic ability in order to see a
persons problem exact as it is. The psychologist on Earth don't have this
ability. The solution is to remove the part of the psychiatric science that
treat feeling and thought problems by use of chemicals. The part of the
psychological science that treat problems through talks and meditation can
exist. To set medical diagnosis on problems that relate from feeling or
thought must be stopped. This because such a medical diagnose is experienced
negatively and therefore increases the persons problems. Those diagnoses are
used as weapons in powerfights between different philosophies and
thoughtsystems. It's also a tendency for the diagnoses to hang with a person
long after the problem that caused the diagnose are solved. It's recommended
that psychologists and psychiatrist are sent to other planets for education.
On this planets the knowledge according to the mental plain and other
dimensions would be dominant. The society on this planets must also have
detailed knowledge about the different bodies of the human ,where they are
placed engonically according to each other and the communication between them.
After the psychologist and the psychiatrist has learned this they could return
to Earth. When it comes to other medical doctors they must learn how
imbalances in the human etherical,astral and mental bodies affects the
physical body. It's a problem that persons with a common thought pattern are
marked negatively as a group by other groups with negative words or thoughts.
This cause disharmony on the mental plain. This again create negative feeling
in the subconsciousness of the humans. This negative subconscious feelings
again creates thoughtbacterias who amplifies negative prejudices against
certain groups of humans. The things the sceptics claims as common sense are
based in the worldpicture of the sceptics themselves. The therm common sense
are used as a weapon against thoughts,ideas and lifeviews who are not
understand within groups with a defined world picture. The common sense is
individual and are developed according to a persons experience. The common
sense can therefore not be learned by books,but must be made in each person
according to that persons individual experiences and wisdom. The critic for
the critic itself,creates negative toughtpatterns that pollutes the mental
plain. Imbalance at the astral and mental levels is the cause for blind
violence in the society. When the mass media as TV and newspapers focuses at
the violence, they creates a more negative picture of the world than it really
is. This picture cause spreading of fear that results in more violence. In
this way the mass media amplifies the violence in the society. The news of
negative character should have lowest priority,and the news of positive
character should have highest priority. By this the mass media could spread a
positive world picture instead of the negative. This would decrease the fear
and result in less violence. At school one shouldn't force the knowledge on
the children so that the children experience the school as a punishment. The
knowledge should be stimulating the curiosity of the children. Then the
children would find it more interesting to go to school. To achieve this one
must change the education system in the schools. Each children must be
educated individually according to that child's interest. If a child want to
be a doctor one should educate this child in medicine from the first time
on,and not educate the child in topics who not where interesting for that
child first. This means that a child with gift for medicine don't have to
learn mathematics and algebra at all. The education in reading and writing
could be incorporated in the medicine education of the child. The books the
child needed for the main education could also acts as language education and
so on. If a child wanted do be a pilot the child should have education in
flight theory from the first time combined with practical flight training. If
the child is interested in topics where most of the knowledge are not present
at Earth,the child should be sent to a planet who have the knowledge and be
educated there. Or the child could be remote educated by telecommunication
from that planet. If the child wanted to play that should be allowed because
the play is also a sort of education. It could be made education systems
allowing the child to play themselves to knowledge.