As mentioned in the main theory there are 7 different types of microides. Each
with a different density according to each other. Each microide group are
modulated by it's own initialization wave creating 7 parallel energyplain 7.
In this way 7 parallel universes are builded inside the area in the
superuniverse that defines the space occupied by this universe. The 7 parallel
universes are separated by the density of the microides. This density
difference are called the prubunsic dimension coordinate (dimensioncoordinate
6). Ordinary Earth science sees the universe with the dimension
height,length,depth and time. In the spacepeople science one has the
dimensions height,length,depth,time,energyplain difference,prubunsic density
and hyperuniverse string distance. This is a total of 7 dimensions. If one
move along the dimension 5 one will experience the following. Solid things as
stones and mountains would be shimmering. As one goes higher along this
dimension the solid things would be self-illuminated and transparent. The
light would be solid as water and you can touch and work with it directly as
you can with water. The person would begin to sense electric and magnetic
fields as enlightened patterns and the gravity appears as light with a special
colour. Solid matters as stones and mountains becomes difficult to see and the
person can walk right trough it. New solid things will appears for the person
and the solid matter as stones and mountains disappears as clouds against a
clear sky. The person now experience alien creatures and a different
environment. The person is now on the etherical natureplain above the humpnap.
For an outside observer it seems as the travelling person gets foggy. Then he
begin to self-illuminate. Then he become more and more transparent until he
disappears totally. He can not be registered by radar or other normal
equipment. It's possible to detect him with a witching stick or metallic
search pins. It's possible to communicate with him by telepathy. It's also
possible to communicate to him through a AM modulated walkie talkie. The
etheric person can work with the radiowaves directly. The person would feel
the amplitude variations in the radiowaves directly as they are modulated with
speech. The person will therefore "hear" what has been said trough that walkie
talkie. To answer, the person must get his etherical body to oscillate at the
same frequency. This is difficult so it's possible that he could not talk back
trough the walkie talkie. By use of a broad receiver it would be simpler to
get a answer back from him. By use of AM transmission and SSB reception it
would be easier to get a answer from him as he cold manipulate the amplitude
of the beat oscillator in the SSB receiver without getting his etherical body
to oscillate at a certain frequency.The person could now walk directly trough
a normal wall as it was made of air. A strong static magnetic field would be
as a wall for him that he couldn't walk trough. The same with strong static
electrical fields. If the person continues to move up along the energy
dimension he would experience that the electric and magnetic field becomes
more transparent. He would then go right through strong fields of this sort.
The environment would disappear and a new on would appear. The person would at
last reach the astral plain. It isn't possible anymore to reach the person by
radio. The body of the person will at this level not consists of atoms but of
special polytronic structures who don't exists on energyplain 1. The person is
now located at energyplain 2 as the lowest plain the person exist. The
subatomic structure is intact inside the person. The person can therefore
reappear at energyplain 1 by going down along the energydimension. If a
person should travel along the prubunsic dimension the person would experience
the following. The person would experience that all things around him become
foggy. Then all he see is fog. Then the fog disappears and the person is in a
total empty space. Then a new fog appear and things begin to appear out of the
fog. Then the foggy contours disappear and the things around him becomes
clear. The environment is new with alien creatures. This presume that the
Earth has 2 prubunsic natureplain right after another along the prubunsic
scale. If a planet don't have this, the person will go to a position in outer
space if the planet isn't defined prubunsic at that level. The emptiness the
person feel before entering the new prubunsic plain is because the universe
isn't defined at that prubunsic intermediate level. This because the universe
hasn't any microide that correspond to the frequencies expected at this level.
At this level time or space aren't defined. Since the soul of the person are
unatomic of nature the person can experience this intermediate prubunsic
level. At certain universes two microid type can react at the same time at
intermediate prubunsic frequencies. Her the person will not experience any
totally emptiness. The person will experience a strange nature disorientation.
He could experience a intermediate natureplain who was created as a synthesis
between the 2 main nature plain. The intermediate natureplain would become
very strange because of some missing naturelaws at that level. It would be
difficult to experience anything descent because of the naturelaws who where
missing. If a outside observer look at a person who travels along the
dimension 6 coordinate, he will observe the following. He will see the person
becomes foggy and semi transparent. Then the person will loose his form and he
will vaporize as a cloud. The only way to communicate with the person now is
by highlevel telepathy. It's not possible to find him with radar or other
instruments. It's not possible to find him using witching stick or metallic
search pins. When a person leaves a natureplain along the prubunsic coordinate
,all the atoms in his physical body are transmuted to the materials
surrounding his body. In this case most of the atoms are transmuted to oxygen
and nitrogen atoms, as this are the main gases in the air. This process takes
about 2 seconds. Viewed from the destination natureplain one will see a cloud
appear in free air. This cloud will begin to form itself as a human. Then the
human become more solid and the semi transparency in his body disappears. The
person is now totally materialized at the new prubunsic nature plain. The body
of the visitor will automatically adapt to the naturelaws on the new
natureplain. The person will look like he did in the original prubunsic nature
plain. If the person goes back to the natureplain he was travelling from ,he
will reappear exactly in the same form that he originally had. A advanced UFO
can move along all 6 dimension coordinates. This explains the total
disappearance and appearance of some of the UFOs.
Gateway for prubunsic transport.
The drawing describes a device who enable transport between prubunsic
natureplains. The system are powered by 6 big orgon generators. This are daisy
chained to increase the intensity of the orgon power. Orgon is a
interdimensional force who interacts with all natureplains. The daisy chaining
are done by tubes consisting of pure iron. From the output on generator 6 is
there an extra tube that goes to a hollow iron cylinder open at one end. The
power field are on the inner walls inside the cylinder. That enable use of
the energyplain-law directly. We use a modulated laser beam. The beam are
sent trough a crystal grid in order to split it up. This 2 beams are now sent
into the tube. The photons in the tube are now moved along the energy
dimension until they reach the correct energyplain. The highengonical signal
is now taken from the cylinder by a hollow tube of iron. This tube goes to a
new cylinder who are closed at both ends. 3 different tubes goes into this
cylinder. The second tube for this cylinder is the output from orgon generator
8. Inside this tube the highengonical signal are mixed. Then 2 new signals
are generated. The third tube conduct the mixed signal from the cylinder to
the gate. The gate consist of a iron tube who formes a ring 2 meter in
diameter. This ring are set up vertically so you can walk trough it. On the
inside of the tube a thin gap ( 2 nano metres) are burned trough the tube with
laser. Inside the gate a thin membrane of unatomic energy are created. By a
sinus generator who modulates the laser beam injected into the first
cylinder,the gate membrane are tuned to interact with the frequency pattern on
another prubunsic natureplain. The membrane will synchronize with this
frequency patterns and transform them to frequencypattern interacting with our
natureplain. A photon who hits the membrane from the other natural plain are
copied by the membrane to a photon who is present at our prubunsic natureplain
by transmutation. This enable us to see and hear things at the other
natureplaine via the membrane. If we gets the membrane to interact with
frequencypatterns from humpnap and the other natureplain at the same time,we
have created a tunnel between the 2 natureplains. We can walk right trough the
membrane and get to the other natureplain. The intensity of the membrane
enables the conversion to happen within a timeframe of 10 pico seconds. The
feeling will therefore be as walking trough a ordinary door. Persons from the
other natureplain can also walk right trough the gateway from their side in
order to visit us. In a more advanced models it's possible to set the
sensitivity of the membrane to all 6 dimensioncoordinates. This enable
timetravelling and spacetravelling trough
the gate within our own natureplain. If you set the membrane to interact with
the sirian frequency pattern you can walk trough the gate and get out on a
Sirius planet immediately. By this modification the system acts as a stargate