Wednesday, March 3, 2010


A lowintensity ITM generator is a device who are used to investigate the
effect of different frequency pictures at naturelaws and matter inside a weak
to moderate orgon field. The orgon field is modulated by magnetic injection.
The inner part of the generator is a box made of metal. Inside this box the
injection coils are mounted 90 degree out from the metal wall. The coils are
winded around orgonactive materials. In a typical generator there are between
20 and 50 coils. This coils are arranged geometrically to each other after a
empiric structure. In the middle of this box are the scientific instruments
placed. These instruments are used to measure the ITM effect on naturelaws and
matter. On the outside of this box it's welded several profiles. On this
profiles are mounted several power transistors or power operational
amplifiers. This units are used for currentamplification to the coils inside
the box. Outside the profiles are there water tubes. This is the cooling
system. This entire structure are placed inside the orgon insulating material
(glaswool). Outside this is a wood construction.Outside the wood construction
is there a new layer with insulating material. Outside this is a new box of
metal. Outside the second metal box is there a new insulating layer. Outside
this is there finally a box made of wood. The insulating material also
insulate heat. Without the cooling system the inner temperature would be high
enough to destroy the power transistors. At the centre of the construction is
there a probe who measures the total frequency picture inside the inner metal
box. This sensor is used to control the power and effect to each coil. One
will know immediately if one of the injection coils fail. The sensor is also
used as a receiver for storing the frequency parameters for creating of
frequency pictures who had positive results. It's therefore easy to recreate
this frequency pictures in later experiments. This probe is also used to
register new frequencies inside this box who are created by interaction
between the other frequencies. The third task of this sensor is to investigate
the effects on magnetic fields in energy making experiments based on ITM. On
the transistor profiles are there mounted temperature sensors who keep an eye
on the efficiency of the cooling system. The cooling is done by a stream of
cold water trough the water tubes. The generator needs approximate 2000 Watt
electrical power at the maximum setting.