Wednesday, March 3, 2010


One must sharply differentiate between Christianity and the Christ.
Christ came to Earth from outside to try and get as many of the earth
people as possible closer to God (the universal love power) through his
example. He tried to teach love for the neighbor irrespective of social
position. The Christ came from a place geographically outside the Earth
and must therefore be considered as belonging to the Spacepeople.
Information has been received which may indicate that Mary was taken up
into a UFO and artificially inseminated, so that the physical body of
Jesus was half extraterrestrial and specially prepared for the task he
should accomplish. Jesus went through a special education both
telepathically and in other ways. It is said amongst others that he was
initiated in the Ceops pyramid, when this crossed the interstellar
communication line between the Sun and Sirius. When John baptized Jesus
in the desert, the being that had been using the physical and etheric
body off Jesus left these (walk out) and a higher galactic being (the
Christ) took over his body (walk in). As a result of this he had a body
that was different from the humans on Earth. It is the bodies higher
than the physical bodies which decides the extraordinary abilities and
partly the personality. Much of what is today called Christianity is a
tool that some use to get unlawful power over others. Jesus was
transformed into the Christ by a walk in/ walk out sequence. The real
purpose was to teach humanity about the cosmic principle of love, and
thereby open the way for humanity to join the galactic civilization.

Points of complaint against parts of Christianity.
1. The most serious complaint is that some are of the opinion that the
way to God only goes through the Christ, as it is written in the Bible,
and that all other ways of looking at it are wrong and preferably must
be fought with violence. They have not included that God as the
Oversoul is present in all living beings and that the shortest way to
God is through direct prayer (communication) to God. (The shortest way
between 2 points is a straight line. It will not be the shortest way if
one has to go through a third point). With direct prayer you reach God
irrespective of which religion or belief system you belong to. The only
demand is that you must accept the principle of a living and
selfthinking God. A human being can not really have any ideas about God
in as much as the limited imagination and perception of the person
automatically will limit Gods' diversity in relation to that person. God
is unlimited. With the attitude that they have, many reject important
teachings as heresy so that their horizon becomes limited in such a way
that it may retard their spiritual development. Anyway, the thought that
their teachings as the only right one and their duty to fight anyone who
thinks differently has been one of the most war instigating reasons in
the history of the Earth. The fact is that none of the religions and
philosophies found on the Earth today can be said to be the absolute
right teaching. It is like pieces in a puzzle. If you put all the
religions and philosophies from all the planets in the universe into one
teaching, on would in the end get a teaching that would seem correct
within a certain area, which would again be a part of a greater cosmic
philosophy. The absolute right teaching is only understood by God and
even that changes if God changes his mind.

2. The belief in the Bibles infallibility.
The book that today is called the Bible is a historic document and a
guideline in some spiritual questions. The correct teaching cannot be
expressed through the printed letters in as much as the printed letters
cannot reflect the complicated thoughts and shades of feeling that the
information on a higher level contains. This results in that we get
individual interpretations. Anyway, the teachings of the Bible has been
translated through several different stages. This will cause greater and
greater deviation between thoughts and text through each stage. One
language may have a basic difference in thoughtpicture with respect to
another, so that the inner continuity of the text in one language cannot
be translated into another. One must also remember that the interpreters
own subjective attitude plays a role. This means that what was
originally meant to be given, gets quite a different meaning after
translation. In about the year 500 the Bible was however, censored in
such a way that the information in the text would increase the power of
the priests. Information on a higher level can only be transferred
through direct thought transfer (mental level and above). One may
however, use a book to tune the mind so that the thought transfer may be

3. The judging attitude.
In Christianity the theme of judgment, sin and punishment is central.
These are in themselves negative attitudes when seen as they are here.
If a person does something wrong and he gets a clear understanding why
it was wrong what he did, so that he does not do it again, he will
automatically be forgiven by God. The human beings on Earth go through a
developing process from a lower to a higher level, and the faults on
does on this way and what one learns from these faults, is a part of the
development process. The condemning attitude is a part of the priests
power support from earlier times. (If you do not do as we say, or as it
is written, you will be condemned to eternal torment in Hell). In this
way these beings frighten the people to blindly follow their edicts in a
scheming and wicked way. The truth is that nobody will be condemned to
eternal torment. The torment that may occur may be a part of the process
of learning or it may occur due to unrelated reasons, mostly due to ones
own conflicts in thought and feeling. The attitude of judgment (fire and
brimstone) keeps the priesthood in power which some of them use to set
themselves above all others and judge these from here to hell for their
sinning lives, while they do not at all think about the sin they
themselves are comitting by maintaining this dictatorial thoughtsystem
and all the unnecessary fear they implant in people. No being has the
right to judge another as ungodly and low because this person thinks
this or means that. By deeming themselves to be higher than others some
priests, because they "believe in Jesus in the right way" and therefore
have a condemning and negative attitude to all who do not share their
view, these priest are blocking their own real spiritual development as
long as they are caught in this thoughtsystem.

4. The belief that all ones bad karma is done away by believing in Jesus
The belief that all
ones bad karma is done away with by believing in Jesus only, so that one
can continue with acts that give bad karma as if nothing has happened.
The belief that Jesus came to the Earth to take on himself the sins of
all the people on Earth. The truth is that Jesus came to Earth to teach
proved indirectly through his miracles, the existence of God. And he
proved that spirit and thought is the physical matter's superior. He
also proved that the soul can exist independently of the physical body,
by returning from the dead. After the resurrection, the physical body of
Christ had such a high frequency that it could penetrate physical
material. The Christ could also use teleportation and his power of
thought was so powerful and well organized that he could manipulate the
subtle vibrationpatterns in the physical material directly. After the
body of Christ had been taken down from the cross and placed in
sepulcher, it is possible that his physical body was teleported by the
Spacepeople to a medical station where his body went through service and
transformation. The angel of light that was seen in the sepulcher could
have been a space being. The Christ teleported to different people after
his resurrection so that they should understand that the barbaric action
of his execution was in reality inconsequential and to give people
confidence in that the power of Gods universal love is real. The
intention was that people should understand that they should live
according to the principle that they should love their neighbor as
themselves, a moral standard that is predominant in the galaxy today. It
is also likely that the Star of Bethlehem was a UFO, since it move in
the sky and guided people to a certain place. The 3 wise men could have
been Spacepeople (category 1 or 2), who had this task. The ascension was
probably that he was lifted off the ground by antigravitation to a UFO
hidden in the clouds. Thereupon it is possible that he was flown to the
planet from which he came for recreation, and maybe at this moment he is
part-taking in the Spacepeoples plan to enlighten people on Earth about
the conditions in the universe.

In ones development it does not mean anything in itself to believe in
Jesus if one does not at the same time follow the rules of life that he
gave. If for instance one compares a Christian who does not live
spiritually with a Muslim or a Hindu who does live spiritually, the
Muslim and the Hindu will reach further after death. For the Christian
doctrine at all to have an impact on ones development, one has to follow
the positive aspect of Christianity (love for your neighbor etc.) At the
same time one must reject the negative aspects which are limiting the
thoughts. Some within the Christian teaching believe that the
consciousness ceases to exist when one dies and only those believing in
Jesus will on a later occasion get back their physical body, which they
had when they died. This is directly wrong. After death the
consciousness is regained after a short while, in a higher body (the
astral body), which engonically is on the 2nd or 3rd energy plane. The
life thus, continues on an engonical higher nature plane. The human has
originally 7 bodies where of 3 are mortal and 4 are not. Shortly after
physical death, the 2nd body (the etheric body) dies and the
consciousness awakens in the 3rd body (the astral body). This body has
again access to 7 different nature planes. Usually this body's life
cycles go gradually from one nature plane along the egonic axis to the
next nature plane above. The astral nature planes are contained within
the 2nd and 3rd energy plane. Which nature plane one arrives at here,
depends on how one has lived in the physical body. After a while even
this body dies and the consciousness is transferred to the body above
(the mental body), this is on the 4th energy plane. The purpose of the
physical life is amongst other things that one should, with ones
actions, purify and making conscious the higher bodies, especially the
4th and above. If this purification has reach a certain level it is no
longer necessary to have, as the lowest body, a body on humpnap. If one
dies before this purification is completed, one may be reborn in a new
physical body so that one can carry on from where one left off. One may
also do the purification while one is in the astral body, so that one
will not have to be reborn on humpnap level. The more the purification
advances, the closer one comes to God, represented by the Oversoul in
the 7th body. The purpose of the different religions is that one
receives certain rules and ways to follow, so that this process is
pursued. The individual being must himself see to the development of
consciousness in his bodies. For this a being may receive help from
another being on a higher nature level. He may also on certain occasions
receive direct guidance from God via the Oversoul. The general
evaluation is that the main positive aspect of Christianity, the
principle of love for your neighbor is something that has to be worked
into ones higher bodies. The negative aspects, such as the scare
propaganda and the dogmas that are there only to maintain the
powersystems of the priests must be removed from the Bible, and one
ought to be able to see through these. Christianity contains little
information about the humans higher bodies and other subtle subjects.
The conclusion is therefore that the positive Christianity (the one
stimulating to love for you neighbor) is a straight religion which one
can follow. Christianity contains just about nothing that can stimulate
the development of cosmic consciousness. (The consciousness about the
higher structure of the cosmos and the deeper interrelationship of
things.) If one is interested in these things on should chose another
teaching, at least in addition to Christianity. But here, just as in
Christianity there are mistakes made for the purpose of the powersystems
of the priests. For instance one other religion says that your thought
at the moment of death decides your further fate. This is not correct,
it is the totality of all that you have done in the physical life and
your general level of development which is of importance. The best would
be if one could develop thought transfer on a mental level, so that one
could receive the information directly from the cosmic sources of