The cosmic mission of certain crystal types is to transform the "light" of
higher energyplains to a lower one. It,s therefore possible to use those
crystals as receivers for signals travelling faster than the speed of light.
The receiver can be arranged in the following way. A clean rock crystal (
quartz) are shaped into a pyramidical form. This form shall have it's
electrical resonance frequency on 50 MHz. Under the pyramid we put up a strong
light source who's colour can be tuned (tunable laser). The frequency of the
colour determine the receiving frequency. From above we direct a beam of
multispectral light (white) at the pyramid. This light can be taken from the
Sun. Inside the kings chamber we can get lightvariations in certain spectral
segments. This lightvariations mirrors the subharmonics of the galactic
communication signals. We now tune the tunable laser so that the difference
between the frequency of the laser and a spectral element are 50 MHz. Since
the crystal are shaped to a extremely high Q value on this frequency (50 MHz)
it would resonate weak electrically in harmony with the galactic communication
signal. By 2 electrodes who are damped into the crystal we receive this signal
by the pietzoelectric principle. From here the signal goes trough a bandpass
filter and are amplified. The the signal goes to a sensitive AM receiver who
receive the galactic information.