Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Seen from a total engonic view a planet will emit many wavepattern on
different energyplains. The astrology has a basis in this. From the humpnap
one will only see the gravitational and electromagnetic influence from other
planets in the solar system. The orthodox scientist will therefore conclude
that astrology is not working because the influence from the other planets are
to weak. If you view it from energiplain 2,the influence from the other
planets in the solar system are much stronger. Waves emitted at energyplain 2
and 3 has direct effect on the human astral body. This has influence on the
feeling and mode of the human. At the moment a child is born it's aura field
will be exposed to the outside world. The wavepattern from energyplain 2 and 3
will hits the childs astral body,and the sum of this wavepattern are
programmed into the child. The total planetary frequency pattern will
therefore influence the child. This frequency pattern differs with the planets
positions to each other and so on. The astrology was created by persons who
know how this wavepattern should be to enable the atralbody for different
influences and feelings and so on. They found how the planets should stand
according to each other to create specific wavepatterns on energyplain 2 and
3. The child position on the ground according to the astralplains wave sources
has also significance for the initial programming of the child. The
experiences from earlier lives has biggest significance for the development of
the childs personality. The wavepattern on energyplain 3 and up are also used
by the planetary consciousness for communication (telepathy). The energies on
this levels are also used for spacetravelling. When used in spacetravelling
the total frequencypicture from a star or planet are received aboard the ship.
Inside the ship this frequencypicture are processed by a computer. The
computer calculates a new frequencypicture who are phasedifferent to the
frequencypicture received. The new frequency picture is modulated into a high
engonic beam who are aimed forward from the front of the spaceship. This
creates a force between the ship and the target who attracts the ship to the
target (system B for interstellar travel). At energyplain 2 the ship will
travel at the lightspeed multiplied with itself. The interaction between
planetary frequency pictures on energyplain 2 and 3 can create new
frequencycombinations who can influence the humpnap directly. It can occur
gateway situations to the hyperspace near a correct placed pyramid with the
correct height. This will occur during specific planetary constellations. The
big crystal from the Atlantis who are at the bottom of the sea,are activated
by certain planetary constellation,causing things on specific places to be
teleported into the hyperspace when this occur (the Bermuda triangle). The
frequency patterns from certain planetary constellations also interacts with
the seismic activity on Earth. In certain timeframes this enable the
possibility for volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The other factor here is
general fields of negative thought energy. When this negative thought patterns
occur during specific planetary constellation, natural disasters can be the
result. The waves on energyplain 2 and 3 from the other planets in the solar
system,will influence the astral body of the Earth itself directly. This has
influence on the weather and climate on the Earth. When the planets changes
their positions according to each other, the mixing-ratio of their frequencies
seen from the Earth changes. The frequency pattern of a planet also changes
during the planet evolution. This means that the influence this planet has on
it's environment changes over time. This usually takes million of years. The
astrology must be corrected in certain times to compensate for this.