The system are based on a concept,who shall make it possible to call
interstellar telephonecalls using a ordinary telephone. The system enables
communication to the Pleiades with 10000 telephone calls at the same time.
It's also possible to call persons aboard spaceships and spacestations. The
Earth based part of the system consist of a ordinary AXE telephone central
form LM Ericsson. This central is connected to the public telephone network
with it's own prefix number. From the central the telephonecalls are
concentrated in a line concentrator and the calls are PCM coded. Each call
lays within a timegap as a PCM signal. This PCM datastream is then transformed
to fit the pleiadian system. The PCM stream is amplified in a broad band
amplifier. Then the datastream modulates a big LED or laser diode under a big
crystal. This diode must be fast enough to accept 10000 telephone calls at the
same time. The crystal is a earthkeeper rock crystal over 25 Kg in weight. It
must be clean and transparent. The crystal is placed inside a orgon
forcefield. The receiver is a similar crystal. The diode under the receiver
crystal shall be of the same type as under the transmitter crystal. It's
important that the lightfrequency in the receiver crystal has exactly the same
frequency and phase as the light injected into the transmitter crystal. The
light in the receiver crystal is turned on when one wait to receive a signal.
The reason for the same light frequency in the transmitter and receiver
crystal are because the transmission channel is identified on that frequency
exactly. The lightfrequency identify the signal as sent from Earth. Other
planets has different light frequencies. This is a security that the signal
will not mix with signals to other planet during the transmission trough the
hyperspace. The right signal will therefore reach the right receiver
crystal. Near the receiver crystal is there a device who is called a
regenerative mutispectral cell. This is a ITM component who transforms signals
on energyplain 2 to energyplain 1. The electromagnetic frequencepattern inside
this cell are generated according to frequency pattern on energyplain 2. The
crystal itself transforms the signal from energyplain 3 to energyplain 2. The
communication itself runs at energyplain 3. The crystals must therefore have a
3 level energistring structure. From the receiver cell is the signal sent to a
special computer who decode the signal after fractal algorithms. To get a
clear transmission trough hyperspace you must usually code and decode the
signal according to fractal algorithms. After decoding,the signal has normal
PCM form who goes to a deconsentrator and to the AXE telephone central.
One take of the telephone (tube) and hear the normal dialing tone. Then dial
the initialize numbers to the central who could be 777. Now is the normal
telephone network connected to this special central. If all the channel trough
the crystal link is occupied you will get a normal busy signal. If a channel
is free,signalling signals are sent trough the channel to the bigger central
in the middle of the Pleiades. This central are floating freely in space as a
unmanned station. The number you call from are the transferred to the
pleiadian central. Inside this central resides a token that can interpreter
between all Earth languages and the Pleiadian telepathic language. When your
number are transferred to the pleiadian computer,the computer know which Earth
language it shall use. If the call comes from USA,the computer will use
american language with the local dialect connected to the area the number
originates from. If you call from Voss in Norway,the computer will use
Norwegian language with Voss dialect. Right after you have dialed 777,the
pleiadian computer will know which Earth
language it shall use. Now you must dial the number to the specific solar
system in the Pleiades that you will call. This is a 4 digit number because it
can be over 1000 inhabited solar systems in the Pleiades. The central now
establish a hyperspace transmission line to that system or it uses an existing
transmission line if available. This channels goes between crystals through
the hyperspace. After dialing the solar system number you must dial the planet
number. The planet nearest to the sun have 1 the next nearest 2 and so on.
After this you must dial the individual number who have max 10 digits. When
you have done that the systems call that person telepathicly and ask if the
person will accept the call. If the person not accept you will receive a busy
signal. If the person accept the token will translate the persons thought to
Earth language whit vocal characteristic fitting the Pleiadian persons
personality. The computer will translate your words into Pleiadian telepathy.
If the pleiadian person are a female you will get a female voice and if it's a
male you will get a male voice. The talk now begins. Since the telepathic
language is much faster than a spoken language the Pleiadic person must wait
until the system has translated your words into telepathy. Sent from the Earth
side the call will seem as a normal call with good speech quality. Seen from
the pleiadian side the call will be a simplex like call where you come trough
with a timedelay after he has sent his thoughts through the system. If the
pleiadian wish to finish the call,the computer will register this. The
computer then send you a verbal message telling you that the pleiadian has
been busy and then it cuts the communication. Example for calling Semjase at
the planet Erra in the Taigeta system at the Pleiades:
777 0034 3 450983129.
777 is here the initial number to the Pleiades. 0034 is the number to the
Teygeta system. 3 is the number to the planet Erra and 450983129 is Semjases
number. This number is only an example. All individuals on the planet will
have his own number in the communication computer. In practice the person will
have a galactic universal number and you will not have to know where in space
the person are. If the Earth human learns himself galactic telepathy,the need
for this systems will not be present. One could then establish the connection
to Semjase by thinking on her and in the same time wish the contact. If the
subcentral on the planet didn't find Semjase because she was on
spacetravelling, you will get a message obout that from the computer. The main
central in the system then tries to establish a connection to the spacecraft
she is aboard. If the destination of the spacecraft is unknown,the central
would put out an isotrophical call on energyplain 4 or higher. In praxis the
galactic traffic central know where all spacecraft is and where they are
travelling. If she answer the general isotrophical call on energy plain 4,the
central would establish a connection channel to her on a lower energyplain.
If her position is known but in another galaxy,the central would establish a
connection to a mental central in this galaxy,and this central would link the
telepathic communication to her. The main central in the Pleiades could be
constructed in such a way that it didn't needed sub centrals,but had a
connection to every inhabited planet in the Pleiades. This would afford more
complex central. If a person on the Pleiades wished to call a Earthling,the
person contact the central by telepathy. The person then transmitted a thought
picture of the person to the central. The central then established a
connection trough hyperspace to the Earth central. At the same time the
central established a telepathic connection to that persons sub consciousness.
Through this connection the central would extract the information about the
telephonenumber belonging to that person. If the person where travelling the
system would find the persons position and find the number to the nearest
avaiable telephone. If the number to this telephone where unknown by the
persons sub consciousness then the central would scan the aria and then find
the telephonenumber. If a telephone where not available near the person,the
central would try to call the person by forced telepathy. The person would
then hear the central voice clear inside his head. This would only happen if
the person would not be scared by the telepathy. The person also had to
believe in the possibility of using telepathy. If this was not the case the
central would ask the pleiadian if he wanted the call at a later time. If the
pleiadian wished this,the central would have the Earth person under constant
supervising. When the person come to a place where there was a telephone,
the central will call the Pleiadian if he want's the call now. If yes the
central sends the necessary information to the Earth central. This central
then call the telephone. If the person have a mobile radio unit such as a
walkie talkie available,the pleiadian central would create a hyperspace link
direct to the persons position. When the person are in the powerfield from
this hyperspace line,the interaction between the persons aura frequencies and
the frequencies in the hyperspace channel will create a frequency on
energyplain 1 who are registered by the walkie talkie. When the person use
the walkie talkie transmitter, the electromagnetic power will interact with
the persons aura. The persons aura then emitt a high energy wave who follows
the modulated energy from the walkie talkie. This wave will then travel
trough the hyperspace channel back to the pleiadian central.