In the first solution we use a pyramid. The pyramid acts as a resonant
chamber and antenna for signals on higher energyplains. The pyramid collects
the waves on energyplain 2 and 3 into a point (the kings chamber). This is
similar to the focus point at a parabolic antenna. At the focuspoint in the
pyramid we puts up a coil. The focuspoint resident within the centre of the
coil. To the coil we connects a sensitive receiver. We can't receive the
highengonical waves directly. Therefore 2 of the walls in the pyramid is
covered with metal. Between this metalwalls we set up a voltage on 2000000
Volt DC. This creates a electrical field inside the pyramid. A static
electrical field has it's origin at energyplain 2. The waves the pyramid
receive will be concentrated at the focus point. This means that we will get a
interaction with the electrical field around this focus point causing
field variations who follows the amplitudevariations of the incoming
highengonical signals. Variation inside a electric field causes formation of
electromagnetic waves. This waves are picked up by the coil who sends the
waves to an ordinary radio receiver. It's possible to make the coil of
permanent magnetic material instead of using the highvoltage field. This
method will receive other waves than the electric field method. It's also
possible to create the magnetic felt by sending constant current trough the
coil via a drossel. The received signal is taken out by a condenser on the
right side of the drossel. If one shall receive energyplain 3 signals it's
recommended to use the electric field method. The coil then must be wounded
around a clear quartz rock crystal who stands vertically at the centre of the
pyramid. The focuspoint is inside the crystal. The crystal transforms the
waves received on energyplain 3 to energyplain 2. Then the energyplain 2
signals influence the electrical field who makes the electromagnetic waves
picked up by the coil. The waves on energyplain 2 travels at the lightspeed
multiplied with itself. The waves on this plain can be used to communicates
to other planets in the solar system without practical delay. To communicate
to the Sirius-system the signal will need approximately 20 minutes one way.
Waves on energyplain 3 travels with the lightspeed multiplied with itself 4
times. On this plain we can communicates with all solar systems in the
milky way without practical delay. To communicate to the Andromeda galaxy the
delay will only be a few microseconds. On this plain it's possible to
communicate to other nearby galaxies without practically delay.