The galaxy is really a living being, which consists of 100 billion
stars/solar systems, where each constitutes one cell. The black and
white holes function as chakras helping to maintain time independent
metabolism in the galactic body as well as minor chakras (acupuncture
points) in the galactic body. The hole in the center of the galaxy
functions in the same manner as the human crown chakra and channels
part of the galaxy's thought activities with higher planes. The
galaxy has a 7 dimensional structure. The picture of the galaxy that
we on humpnap have is only a small part of the total structure (in
the same way that a PET scan only shows a picture of a part of the
human body). The rest of the galaxy's physical matter is in
different places along the 6 dimensional coordinated (prubunsic) and
is therefore invisible for people in humpnap. The human is an
independent being whose task it is to see to it that no illness
develops in the galactic body in the same way as the defense cells in
your own body. This the human shall do on all planes on which he is
conscious. (Feelings, thoughts etc.) The galaxy as a being can
communicate telepathically with the human, amongst other things, via
certain astronomical bodies which are called crystalline white
dwarfs. This is nothing but gigantic brains/memorybanks in the
galaxy. All these are again in connection with each other and
constitute a part of the galaxy's physical brain. Here the atom
nuclei function as brain cells and different electron constellations
as substances for transmission. Other star types may function as
other parts of the galactic brain, for instance the pulsars work as
clock generators for certain frequencies that the galactic body must
have. The nearest memory element is Sirius B which is a whit dwarf
star. A galactic minor brain is an independent being, subordinate to
the galactic brain. All that has happened to the Earth and its
civilization here is probably stored in one of these memory elements.
Probably in Sirius B as this is closest to the Earth. When one is
using a crystal ball, one is connecting with this system. Pure
crystal in the earth function as transformers for higher energy forms
as well as temporary memory for Earth matters. Things that are
interesting is sent on to the a long term memory which is a galactic
crystal. The galactic crystal is arranged in crystalline structure
right up to energy plane 7 and is therefore conscious on all the
energy planes that the human body consists of. A picture in a
galactic crystal may be permanently stored in the physical structure,
whilst other pictures are temporarily stored in the physical
structure for later to be transferred to the etheric structure.
Purely physical pictures are usually stored in the physical
structure, etheric pictures in the etheric structure, feelings in the
astral structure and thoughts in the mental structure etc. The
crystals of course also have an own consciousness and can think for
themselves. If a human being manages to organize his bodies as well
as here, he may become physically immortal. He will leave the
compulsory karmic reincarnation cycles and become a spiritual being.
The communication is two ways between the different planes in a
galactic crystal so that a galactic thought may be carried out in the
physical matter. The human brain is a biological crystal where each
element consists of a brain cell. This may be in relation to a
galactic carbon crystal in as much as it is the same element that is
active. It is therefore possible for the human to also communicate
physically with the cosmos. It is possible that each human race has a
connection to a galactic crystal consisting of the same element as
the brain of that particular race. In galactic continuity it is
expected that our own sun will end up as such a memory element.