It's possible to clean air and water for industrial pollution by using a ITM
process. The process can be to transmute the garbage,or to send the garbage to
a position on the prubunsic dimensionscale where the Earth don't have any
natureplains. One can also set up chemical reactionpattern who don't produce
any garbage. The method described here uses a combination of the transmuting
in combination with the chemical reaction method. The central component in the
system is a 10 meter high crystal cylinder at 1,5 meter in diameter. Around
this cylinder is there 7 coils each with one 1 turn. Each coil is driven from
a magnetic injection amplifier. Total are there 7 of this amplifiers. The
amplifiers are feeded with sinus signals who are frequency and amplitude
related to each other after a specific formula. The frequency picture lays in
the area between 0Hz - 10 GHz. The frequency picture is generated in a
specific PLL array connected to a computer. A special detector is connected to
the computer. The detector receive frequencies from a glass bottle who
contains a sample of clean air and water. This frequency becomes detectable by
sending pure orgon power trough the glass cylinder. The detector and the glass
cylinder is covered with a shield of superconducting material. The signals
received by the detector, are processed by the computer as a standard for the
frequency picture the system generates. This frequencypicture will transmute
the polutionelement to clean air and water according to the sample in the
glass cylinder. The crystal must be located in one of the Earth etherical
chakras. From the ground will kundalini be injected into the crystal at it's
bottom. This kundalini is raised inside the crystal cylinder. From the top
cosmic kundalini is streaming into the crystal,and from it's sides prana will
enter. This 3 forces are mixed inside the crystal. The result will be strong
D forces (constructing and positive forces) D=F1+F2+F3. When a correct
frequency picture are magnetically injected into the crystal,it will emit
harmonizing energyplain 2 waves who transmute and bind chemical pollution
elements in the nature. The industrial garbage will therefore be transmuted
into substances who have a positive effect on the nature. The system will only
work when it's exposed to direct sunlight. The crystal structure and the
elements the crystal is made of must be precisely adapted for this purpose.
The crystal cylinder will be semitransparent with a bluegreen colour. The
range of the device will be between 1000 and 10000 Km,dependent of the force
of the Earth chakra and the quality of the crystal. If a person stand close
to the crystal when the device is running,the person will be healed for
certain diseases. If the person is standing in the powerfield for a longer
time the aging process in him will be reversed,and he will be younger and
younger. At the same time will he be physical bigger and bigger. This effect
will occur if you are closer than 1 Km to the crystal when the system are
running.The nature will grow bigger than usual within a sone who differs
between 1 and 50 Km from the crystal dependent of the efficiency of the