Tuesday, March 2, 2010


As mentioned before 2 new frequencies are made by mixing the 2 original
frequencies. This is the base the universe is built on and the reason for
the dualities in nature. It has been said earlier that a lower energyplane
is made of the frequency swingproducts of the energyplane above. If one has
2 frequencies A and B, the swingproducts will be C=A-B and D=A+B. C will here
be at a lower frequency than A, and D will be a higher frequency than A. Seen
in relationship to the endless speed of thought, the C frequency means a
retardation, and the D frequency an acceleration. On an energyplane, one
normally has both C and D components. These frequency components act like
opposite mirror images of each other. One can say that the C component is the
negative frequency picture of the energyplane above and the D component is
the positive frequency picture of the energyplane beneath. Within the
physical world and the prubunsic worlds which are parallel to our physical
world, these 2 mathematical basic principles are mixed. The C components will
work dissolving and cause a negative evolution. That means going from the more
complex and finer to simpler and coarser. This is because the C component
removes itself from the A frequency in a negative direction. The D component
will move towards the A component in a positive direction. The D component
enables the positive evolution which goes from the simpler to more complex.
The frequency of the D component is the only component which can be higher
than the A frequency.
This means that this component allows the evolution to, in the end, be
independent of time and space defined by the A and B components. A person who
is at a level where his auric frequencies extend the initial frequencies in
the universe, comes automatically direct under the laws of the superuniverse.
When one has passed the A frequency by means of the D components, one still
removes away from it, but in a mathematically positive direction. One can say
that the evil and the destructive has it's base in the C components and the
good and constructive has it's cause in the D components. The C and the D
components can appear to be similar. But upon closer inspection one of the
components will be opposite (a mirror of) the other. A creature can be locked
either to the C or to the D components in a frequency complex. As used here,
a frequency complex is a frequency picture who contains both the C and the D
components. In this model then, One can say that the D frequency is the main
frequency and the C component is the mirror frequency. In a superheterodyne
radio receiver one goal is to eliminate the mirror frequency. If this is not
done one will receive 2 stations at the same time which interfere with each
other in such a way that the information becomes unintelligible. If a person
has locked himself to the C components in a thoughtform then he will see the C
component as the main frequency and the D component as the unwanted mirror
frequency. The information he gets is a negative mirror of the D component
information. Then he will act opposite according to the D component
information which will drive his evolution backwards. The form of thinking
will become a habit. This will cause the person's thinking to lock like an AFC
(automatic frequency control) locks the radio receiver to a certain station.
A person who has locked his thinking to the C components in the thoughtforms
has a tendency to become more evil and less creative. A person who has locked
his thoughts to the D components in the thoughtform has a tendency to become
more good and creative. It's intended that living creatures shall lock their
thoughts to the D components in the thoughtforms. This will cause creatures
to develop to more complex beings and their internal frequencies will rise
causing their information exchange rate to expand. It's possible to
prevent a creature locking to the C component by an event causing a shock.
During the shock phase the thoughts can be unlocked from the C components.
Then one must place a field containing strong D components around the person.
Then the person can begin to lock his thoughts to the D components when the
person is out of the shock phase. The biggest cause for the evil on Earth
is that many people have locked their thoughts to C components in the
thoughtforms. This amplifies the C components collectively causing a
destructive thoughtfield. If most people locked their thoughts to the
D components, then a constructive thoughtfield would be created which
would influence even more people to become positive. The collective C thought
pattern radiates from Earth and can attract creatures from other planets who
are C orientated. This will increase the C thought pattern even more. This
will again prevent the planet Earth itself from developing as fast as it
should. One can see the direct result of the C thought pattern in the
pollution of nature and in wars. Many religious groups have a polarized
thought pattern. Such thought tells the people that all who do not fit into
the group's belief pattern are diabolic. This is C thought since it puts the
group above all others and judges other creatures in a negative way.
To judge others negatively are C thoughts. One must see the problems in a
greater objective frame and then try to convert the C thoughts to D thoughts.
It's better to put up a light than it is to damn the darkness. One must
remember that creatures that are evil today can be good tomorrow. If you
judge other creatures negatively, the negative thought you transmit will
prevent this creature from changing. The energy from the negative thoughts
you send will amplify the evil aspects in the creatures. Certain frequencies
that keep the structure on humpnap alive are a mixture of the C and
D components. This means that physical nature as we know it would not exist
without both C and D components. One must mentally tune into the D components.
This is because creatures develop through low frequency pictures toward
higher frequency pictures. It's possible for an advanced planet to change
a less developed planet (focused on C thoughts) into focusing on D thoughts
by means of concentrated thought and feeling waves. This can be done through
interstellar connection lines or through a channel created in a physical
dimension 4 aimed at the planet. It's possible through a special method
to suppress all the C components effectively. This method employs a
parallel and independent time dimension. If this dimension is not present,
one can create it. This is done by putting up a local standing wave at
the same energyplane as the primary frequencies of the universe. This can be
done by using geometrical thoughtpatterns, which is possible because the soul
is unatomic and independent of physical mechanisms. The geometrical
thoughtpattern is set up by creatures on a certain development level. These
creatures are placed in the energy centers on the planet, and their thoughts
are synchronized. On Earth the energycenters would be energetic vortexes
which are located at specific geographical sites (the acupuncture points of
the Earth). One of these points is located at the position of the Cheops
pyramid. Another is located in the Trondheim area. A third is located in
South America and so on. When the artificial and parallel time dimension
is created, all the C components are modulated into that time dimension.
Then one gets the C components in the parallel time dimension to get 180
degree phase shifted with respect to the C components on the original time
dimension. This is as seen in relation to the transuniversal timedimension.
Finally, one mixes the artificial time dimension with the original time
dimension. This will cause the old C components to be outphased by the
copy of these C components. When this happens all the C components in this
area are removed. Then only the D components remain. This method is only
used in specific cases since it will result in dramatic changes in the
affected area. The method is comparable to removing the low sideband in an
SSB transmitter by using the phase method.
It's a danger that persons influenced by C components could use the same
method to remove the D components in an area. The C influenced creatures will
probably not reach a frequency high enough to create the artificial time
dimension with their thoughts. Even if they have strong thoughts this is not
enough. As a parallel, red light can't remove electrons from a metal plate in
vacuum. Green light can do this with much less power than the red light has
when trying. This phenomena can be explained because green light has a higher
engonic potential than red light. Green light is therefore placed higher on
the energy dimension (dimension 5) than red light. If C dominant creatures
despite all of this should be successful, the area where the D frequencies
are removed would be annihilated. This because C components have 0 as their
goal. The destruction of the area would occur almost immediately. If one
takes away all the C components, a big portion of the area will survive.
The creative forces in this area will increase exponentially because the D
components have infinity as the goal. If one phase-shifts the C components
90 degrees with respect to the D components in a area, one will create a new
field with new properties (the K field). The K field consists of a synthesis
between the C and D components. The characteristic of the K field relies on
the time delay between the C and D forces. The K field consists of 4
K components: 2 with destructive characteristics and 2 with constructive
characteristics which are balancing each other. The K field itself is neutral
with respect to destructive and constructive. By using the K field when there
is one, it's possible to eliminate the indirect C components. Presently the D
forces are dominant in our universe. This is a result of the fact that nuclear
fusion is the dominant energy source at the physical level. During the fusion
process more complicated atoms are made by joining simpler atoms. Fusion is
therefore constructive. Nuclear fission is destructive because during this
process more complex atoms are divided into simpler atoms. It's fusion that
drives the stars and is the cause for their lifegiving heat and light at the
physical plane. Fission is not noticeable as an energy source in ordinary
stars. Instead, fission is used in atomic bombs and nuclear powerplants
created by humans. It's possible that certain fission processes can occur
during a supernova explosion. One can't in this respect say that a hydrogen
bomb is constructive and the atom bomb destructive. Seen from a Earthly view
point both the atom bomb and the hydrogen bomb are destructive. The terms
constructive, destructive and good, evil are therefore relative to the frame
one uses as the basis for the view. Something evil in one situation can be
good in another situation under other conditions and visa versa. In this
viewpoint one must also evaluate the social framework one views from.
It is therefore wrong to say that all destructive actions are evil and all
constructive actions are good. Seen in a longer timeframe a destructive
action such as a natural disaster clears the ground for creating something new.
The new thing couldn't be created before the old thing was removed. The old
would have prevented the new from developing. One can thus say that short
term C episodes can be events in a bigger plan constructed on D components.
Because of different views and considerations one can say that every event has
a constructive and destructive potential. How much of this potential is
crystallized depends on the framework in which the event takes place. It's
possible that actions done with a destructive purpose can have a positive
result. This is because God is constructive. If God were destructive the
creation would not happen. God is neither bound by constructive or destructive
thought forms but is transcendental (independent) to this. Since the
universal modulation is what it is, the frames for both good and evil actions
are available.

God is independent of the time dimension within the universe. God can
therefore place events into the future that will happen. These events are
placed as a modulation pattern on the standing wave (which is the time
dimension) that extends from the center of the universe to it's limit. The
modulation patterns are laid out on this wave beyond our present position.
The consequences of the actions of living creatures in the universe are also
modulated into the time dimension as future patterns beyond our present
position. If one drops a die, it's possible that the result of the toss has
already been cast as a future modulation pattern just beyond our event horizon.
A psychic person can therefore look into the future by examine the nearby
wavepattern on the standing wave through a 4th dimension. The psychic can
also look backward in time to see past time events. The psychic can therefore
see the same distance into the future as he can see into the past. Since God
is independent of our time dimension, God can change events below the event
horizon and through that the history. We who live within this time dimension
will not easily notice such changes. It can be done if one is conscious
about them. An example: If one reads something special in a book and reads
the same book again later without finding the sentences one read the first
time, this may be because God has changed the past. Then the thoughts the
author thought when writing the book never occurred. This is a paradox
because he did it before the past was changed. This can be explained because
the event was copied to a parallel time stream and deleted from our time
stream. One can think about a endless number of parallel time streams. To
simplify one can think about 2 different time streams. The time-stream of God
and our time-stream. Each universe has it's own God and it's own time-stream.
All of these time-streams are controlled by a main time stream which is the
time-stream of the superuniverse. The time-stream of the superuniverse is
created by the endless love-power which is independent of every time dimension.
This love power is the power of the first creator (the God of the super
universe). Our universe was created by the second creator who was created by
the first creator. All living creatures have a oversoul which is a part
belonging to the first creator. Therefore all living creatures can be
independent of time and space if their inner frequencies are synchronized to
the frequencies of the first creator. If one attempts to achieve this state of
consciousness, one will be invisible from the physical world. If one is in a
city during this state of consciousness, one can see the city at different
time-epochs simultaneously. On one side of the street one might see a
future-house and on the other side of the street one might see a house that
was destroyed 100 years ago. Time, from this viewpoint, becomes as tangible
as the dimensions height,wide and length. One could see the entire time
signature of an object simultaneously. It then becomes possible to examine
the different periods of historical development of the object as one pleases.

The reason for remembering the changes God does to the past, is because these
changes are done by the second creator while the souls of the creatures are
under influence of the first creator. If the changing is done by the first
creator one will not remember them. If the first creator wants you to
remember them then you will. The second creator can change his meanings
without changing the history. Those books that claim to represent the word
of God, can therefore no longer be valid because God may have changed his
meanings after those books were written. The longer the time of the writing
goes into the past the more probable is it that God has changed his mind since
those books where written. This because God is also developing.