Tuesday, March 2, 2010


The principle is similar to that used in the hyperspace wavepattern receiver.
Instead of using fractal decoding, analog mixing technic are used. The
television pictures are sent on energyplain 3 or by using the space point
interaction principle between harmonized crystals. If one use crystals with
engonic strings who are long enough,it's possible to receive pictures recorded
by the eyes of a creature. In this case the signal are sent telepathically.
The signal must be sent active from 1 ore more intelligent beings.

Model 1.
This model uses a highquality rock crystal (quartz). The crystal must have a
3 plains multistructure along the engonic dimensionaxis. The crystal must
weigh over 3 Kilograms. The crystal shall have a single termination at the top
and be flat at it's bottom. 2 centimetre above the bottom there are 2 silver
electrodes attached to the crystal. This two electrodes shall be located at
the opposite position on the crystal according to each other. This electrodes
are connected to a super low noise operational amplifier. The signal then goes
to a balanced mixer with a 1200 MHz bandwidth. To this mixer a local
oscillator who goes from 6 MHz to 1000 MHz are attached. From the mixer the
signal goes to a lowpass filter with a limit of 7 MHz. The signal are
amplified and goes to a new mixer. At this new mixer the signals for
horizontal and vertical deflection and colour carrier are added. This signals
are also sent back to the crystal by photon modulators. The photon modulators
are 3 clear LED or LASER diodes that operates on 3 different optical
frequencies. By sending this information back to the crystal in such a way,
the intelligence in the crystal know how to decode the extraterrestrial
television signals so they fits into the frames of our television system with
PAL colour. The horizontal deflection signal pulses a green LED or LASER
diode. The vertical deflection pulses a yellow LED or LASER diode. The colour
carrier for PAL pulses a blue LED or LASER diode. Right in the centre under
the crystal a big red LED or LASER diode are located. This are connected to a
computer who tells the crystal the hyperspace coordinates for the transmitter
of the signals to receive. This information is given to the crystal by
different pulse and frequencypattern just before the reception. The
extraterrestrial signals has the character of a single sideband USB signal.
The signal can therefore example be at 800 MHz. The mixer and oscillator makes
it possible to transform this signal down to a frame between 0 and 7 MHz. This
signal must be retransmitted by a infrared LED or LASER into
the crystal. This because the crystal uses this information for correct
decoding. The picture we receive can be from spacestations spaceships or
other planets.

Model 2.
This is another system where the received signal is transported by photons.
At the bottom of the crystal is there a photo transistor. The crystal must be
placed in sunlight to work. The type of transistor is chosen after which type
of light who shall be used. Into the base of the transistor the
localoscillator signal from 6 MHz to 1000 MHz are injected in parallel with
the light. This also cause the phototransistor to act as a mixer. From the
collector of this transistor the signal are lead trough a circuitry who are
similar to that used in model 1. The 2 silver electrodes who are attached to
the crystal is in this model used to choose target planet for reception. The
silver-electrodes are connected to a amplifier who amplifies from DC to 1MHz
with a amplitude of 1000 Volt PEP. This amplifier is connected to a digital
to analog converter. This converter is connected to a computer. The computer
calculates the frequencypicture who harmonize with the part of the universe
where the signals to receives originates from. In this construction this
frequency shall be present during reception. The reception process is that the
photonstream trough the crystal are influenced by energyplain 2 fields. This
can cause the amplitude or polarity of the signal reaching the phototransistor
to vary in harmony with the modulation of the highengonical signals. The range
of the receiver can be several million light-years.